You know there are 4 hour marathons of Peppa Pig on youtube. No judgement here friend.
You know there are 4 hour marathons of Peppa Pig on youtube. No judgement here friend.
So true about the different thresholds thing. You never know whats going on in someones head. Also different energy levels, different ways of venting, different expectations about personal time, different needs for personal space... if parenthood has taught me anything it's that you just cannot compare yourself to…
With your first, everything is a shock to the system. You might have heard that you don't get any sleep, but actually having to function through days, weeks, months, of never having had more than 3 hours sleep in a row, is really, really, really hard. And some peoples babies sleep really well. And some don't. And some…
Single mother with 5 kids? Would you mind if I please award you an Internet Medal of Heroism? It's only virtual, but it is incredibly heartfelt. How do you make it work? Do you get any time for yourself?
How much do I love that your second is referred to as Backup. What will third be? (Too soon to ask?)
Oh yeah. You're never "ready". But when it happens you just handle it. There's no perfect time, I don't think. But having spent a good few years together without kids is a good thing. Having a strong relationship as a couple is a really good preparation.
As a fellow oldest child, that is a satisfying story to hear. I might pretend it's my own.
I haven't read all of the other comments here, but I so identify with what you've written. I love being a mum, but I hate being a stay at home mum. When I'm working (even if only a few days a week) I am a better parent, better wife, better SELF. Don't feel guilty about that for a MINUTE. You need something for…
Hee hee hee! Ahem.
Cookies make everything better, even this sad duck tale.
Now this is the wrongest I have been ALL DAY. That's it, I'm turning off the internet for the evening, it's not going to go anywhere good after this.
OMG it was a legitimate mistake! It's Donald! Donald! I know this! Honest guv!
Oh Daffy. It never worked out well for him did it?
It took me a while to get into. But now everyone on Facebook is cluttering up my feed with those terrible "Share this photo if you respect kids with cancer, one like = one respect, someone bet us we couldn't get 1 million likes for a new dog," etc etc, I'm enjoying Instagram because it's JUST photos. No stupid passive…
I'm glad to hear this and I'm really glad you are okay.
You deserve every single star that you are getting for this! If only there was some way I could also pass you a celebratory cupcake through the screen too. Maybe the next kinja update will get on this.
Ha! I thought it said Grover, and wondered how a muppet could actually shit itself.
Well thank goodness for that.
I'm worried about your Nanna.
Hm, Destiny's Child, matchy clothes, YOUR STORY CHECKS OUT!