

YES, well obviously the baby was a bonus but what I was really after was a diamond.

I can never spot body makeup. How can you tell she's wearing it? Are there obvious giveaways?

My never ending cry "It's not called babysitting when it's your own chiiiiiilllllllllddddddd!!!!!"

Excuse me being blunt, but when you've had to grow an alien parasite in your body for 9 months, probably spent a part of those months vomiting everything you eat, been through a gruelling physical marathon of labour, then watch as your breasts become public property of every passing midwife in the maternity ward, then

Yes, this is the only response. I'm in.

Uh, gross! What kind of crazy analogy is that meant to be anyway? What drive through do you ever go through and ask for a squirt of anything??

I love babies. Love em. I have one. I would like more. I would like everyone to have one. Or three! Then we could all hang out in the park and talk about introducing solids and teething and sleep training! And maybe if I run out of wipes or nappies you lend me some, and next time you run out I totally have your back

I like your style!

Oh I am so hearing you. I spent a significant part of my pregnancy in a gross khaki/grey shirt dress that made my bum look like a huge pudding, just because I bought it and couldn't afford to buy any more new dresses when I knew it would only be for a few months.

Is so true, there is so much negative stuff said about pregnancy & parenthood. I was freaked out when an was preggers and reading it! Now I see that it's just swapping war stories, it's so good to be able to vent to other people who are having the same experience.

I like cake, and a cupcake is an easy and efficient way for me to obtain and eat cake.

Tell stories! Tell stories!!

+1 I like you Ari.

Poor little sweeties. I'm glad they have you xx

Well now the important question: milk in first, or last?

I also agree with the 'anything in excess is bad' school of thought, but tell me about how peppermint is bad? I would have thought it was pretty inoffensive, I mean peppermint tea barely even tastes like anything.

No, he's a dickhead.

He's certainly earned himself a 'Where are they now' style follow up in 20 years.

Nice move.