Axel Bordelon

It’s close enough. I mean, if you factor in different art styles, different parts of the timeline, and different proportioned versions of Link, it’s hard to expect everything to be 1:1. Plus, it’s not like everything such as village locations, different races, etc. stay consistent from game to game.

I think this is a good take. I wish I had time in the article to go into those protect/ban system propositions. They seem really interesting and could make for super fun games. That said, after the last couple stages, there will basically never be a situation when I’d actively want to see GOATS again.

Was gonna say.

I think Americans feel we have to sell ourselves constantly, all the time, in all situations. If you’re not confident, you’d better fake it or you’ll fall behind. Hustle, side-hustle, always be closing.

Yeah definitely not expecting to like to but very excited to try it.

This is my dream come true. When I was in first grade, I remember reading about the existence of New Coke in an old issue of 3-2-1 CONTACT magazine and I decided that I needed to try it. This would have been 1991 or 1992.

You’re missing the point. The incredible amount of time it would take to convince those type of people to come to your side would be better spent informing younger voters of how they and why they should vote, in my opinion. Because they already believe a lot of the more left leaning policies and don’t need to be

His point is more that the older generations are much more prone to not changing their minds and would prefer to be in their echo chamber, which is exactly how people manipulate the internet to their advantage. So wasting your time with them isn’t worth it compared to generations that have grown up using the internet

As far as wholesome stories, last night in aspect Legends, I got paired up with a guy who started asking me questions out of nowhere.

Like great-great-’gran-owen always said, ‘Never trust a man with neon purple hair who streams video games as a side gig.’

“Geguri is cheating”
“MagicAmy is actually two people”
etc etc etc
Blame enough women for being fake/bad/cheating enough times, eventually that broken clock will be right.

Just fyi, lolicon is actually protected in the US under the 1st Amendment. Some State authorities will still go after it because people who download child pornography also often download lolicon, but the opposite isn’t usually the case. So you can bring doujins through customs on your way home from Comiket, but

I made a similar mistake one time when I accidentally clicked “pineapple” instead of “peppers” as a topping selection when I was customizing a pizza I was ordering from Papa John’s online.

This is so fucking cool. This is such a dark, empty, lonely game at times...being wrenched out like that must have been genuinely terrifying

Yeah same, I have yet to encounter this. Luckily, it’s only in 3v3 anyway.

I have still never seen it, and I play 3v3 reasonably often (maybe 2 or 3 a day).

I must have had the updated version of that because mine was called “Snafu.” It looks identical though, aside from some color swaps.

I often leave comments like this to themselves but it’s worth talking about briefly. First, I completely position this as a personal essay with my title by using a personal pronoun: “me”. There’s two subjects here. The game and myself. So you shouldn’t be surprised.