
I’m not one to defend Disney, but how in the hell did they create this for themselves?

The whole Cara Dune mess Disney / Lucas have created for themselves isn’t going away anytime soon .

Have created for themselves? They fired a woman who posted media comparing her plight to the holocaust.

This man’s crusade has been so vague and cryptic. This has been constant headline drama for a while now with absolute no details to hang your hat on, yet he reports to social media as if the public has any idea what the fuck he is talking about. It’s all so bizarre.

Except on Twitter when someone pressed him about supporting overthrowing foreign governments to get resources companies like his want and he said “We will coup whoever we want, deal with it.”

He wants the people he takes to Mars to agree legally that the laws of Earth don’t apply on Mars.

OK Boomer...USSR??? Srsly?
I guess Canada, Australia and England and all those other democracies are smoking the funny stuff, huh? That, and we all know they have more gun deaths than the US.....

That’s a ridiculous attitude that clashes with basically the whole of human history.

The article is about BP paying for prison labor to help manage their quota of the physical cleanup. The passage in Obama’s book is about the Federal Government’s response to filling empty support roles with unpaid volunteers. Despite what big business has thought since at least the 1950s, there is a difference between

Once upon a time, a planet of S’m’urfs got hold of a Dune Navigator... and the Chiss were born.

I keep holding out hope that someone will suddenly decide to remake Krull. I mean it’s a fun as hell movie but imagine what it could be with a big budget and big special effects.  

It also doesn’t really make sense when you factor in the large proportion of cases that are life-and-death and how frequently Geordi mentions the staffing practices he’s using (double shifts are commonly mentioned in emergencies), so we’re clearly getting estimates that are combining the number of man-hours the task

Am I missing something? This is supposed to be about concept art and there’s only one picture?

Ah, yes.  No reason at all for her to look upon the unique weapon she’s crafted that she’s got a spiritual connection to.

This comment is exactly what’s wrong with Star Wars fandom in 2020. You are the complete package.

There is no such thing as “woke culture”, it’s just people learning not to be assholes to each other.

I’m calling bullshit on this entire season, writing staff and the Duffer Brothers. Ultra Magnus wasn’t released until 1986 in the U.S. and we’re just supposed to believe that this takes place in 1985?!

The head does not feel right. It looks like a big fake out with CGI. His head looks like it’s being superimposed on the walking body. Given Marvel’s penchant for faking us out in trailers, I think they’re pulling a fast one.