Detective John Munch.
Detective John Munch.
I’m going to stop reading comments on every Internet site as the binary arguments, turgid ideas and politicising is getting tediously dull on the ever decreasing imagination of today’s sci fi and sci fi fans...
It’s not. It might be better but still suffers from an seemingly genuine plot hole at the start, inconsistent depictions of characters - Ripley, 88 and some prisoners, anachronistic overbearing sets, poor effects in parts like the mattes, lack of geographic solidity - where are all those locations and what the hell…
People complain that the series is too similar and then want to shoe horn every previous character in and complain as this has a story too different. Goldilocks would be proud...
Possibly but Harry Dean Stanton looked like since he was 8
Yeah... apart from no electric sheep being present or alluded to...
Editing bay???