
He's so bonkers hot I can barely stand it. This movie is going to be a pile of trash judging from that dialogue, but I DON'T CARE. If, to my crushing shame, I can find him hot as a horrible serial killer, I can find him hot as a stilted, clean-shaven creep machine.

Agreed. People forget how fucked up those two were and how power exchange supposedly ~fixed~ them both. It was sweet in the end, sure, but didn't present as particularly healthy.

blah blah this movie kind of looks like garbage- where can I get the full version of this new crazy in love please?

I mostly agree, though I would say Secretary navigates some potentially troubling behavior but ends in a healthy place. Secretary is also lacking a rather key smut aspect, if we're talking about what is going to get people who are intrigued by spanking or something to show up at a theatre. I haven't read the books

This teenager is going to have trouble when he grows up and realizes a lot of adults have stopped caring about this shit.

There's always a comment about how "Secretary" is the superior option, which seems a little ridiculous since 50 Shades isn't even a movie yet. I too practice BDSM and "Secretary" was not exactly the pinnacle of realism, though it was a lovely film that I enjoyed quite a bit. 50 Shades is all sorts of inaccurate,

I know I'm supposed to pretend to care about how people feel about their family history or whatever, but honestly- it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what name your kid has. I think 'to prove a point' is honestly the most legitimate reason to give a child the woman's last name, because at least that ostensibly


Some day we will find out that Chuck Lorre was actually 8 bags of mildewed cornmeal stacked on top of each other dressed in human clothes, and we will all be stunned.

That first one is particularly outrageous to me. You know what's going to cause more work and ultimately waste a fuck ton more time? Letting your kid freak out because you couldn't be fucked to pour milk from one cup to another. FOR A BABY. That is so controlling I can't even handle it. If an adult person pulled that

I have a friend who's super into hockey fanfiction, specifically Real Person hockey fanfiction that is, I guess, part of this Omegaverse. I had her explain one of the more confusing pieces to me, in which Jonathan Toews (who can shapeshift into a wolf) is impregnated by Patrick Kane, even though they only have sex

Totally. I think the thing with places like Starbucks, which have incredibly stringent corporate standards, is that franchise owners don't exist so things really have to be followed to the letter. Places like Subway vary wildly, and so do small businesses. I know people who absolutely love their bosses and hate the

The worst jobs I ever worked were small businesses. Starbucks (or at least the above board one where I worked) would never let an employee work while very ill. I've worked at independent coffee shops that fired people who were in the hospital/wouldn't let people who were vomiting go home without forfeiting their jobs.

Hahahahaha, me too man, and I can tell everyone who's using that "forbidden by law to work" thing to make themselves feel better that's it's a CROCK OF SHIT, and sick people are making and serving your food all the time in order to keep their jobs. Keep that in mind next time you pretend food service employees are

I always wonder, in a culture where I only have one friend whose parents are still together, where that drive to marry comes from. I've been with my boyfriend for six years, and it has been a pretty stable relationship. I have a lot of friends who are getting married who have been with their partners for a lot less

I was thinking "Do they marry each others shadows? Are they projected against a screen? That would be fine, I guess?"

Seriously. If you still think the person you're marrying has no flaws but figure you might just think about that a week before you get married than good fucking luck to you, I guess. Marriage is essentially meaningless in terms of how it changes an actual, adult relationship, so I have no idea what people could

NOOOO. Those burgers are bullshit!! They burn them into oblivion. And nothing on this earth is worse than Burger King's french fries- they taste like wet cardboard. Your opinion is psychotic, and I refuse to try to understand. Wendy's 4Ever, Burger King in an endless, eternal fire.

Excuse you, Burger King tastes like trash and Wendy's is fucking fantastic. When was the last time you went? Because Burger King has been sliding down a garbage mountain for a few years now while Wendy's has been stepping up their game.

This is the most obvious case of Double Bearding I have ever seen.