
If they don't integrate this, it would be awesome if they just open-sourced it so someone could build a browser extension.

I get such a 'me too' vibe from this whole thing. My intuition (which, sure, could be wrong) says they're just seeing the success of GOTG so they think funny is the way to success on a good non-Batman film.

And maybe I'm over-analyzing, but in the preview for next week Garrett says "Welcome to HYDRA," signaling Ward hasn't ever been to their base or whatever…he's gotta be a noob.

I had a feeling Ward was a mole…last ep Garrett said he sent him to be on Coulson's team, so it makes sense, but I'm just not sure they'd let it be that simple. Hand still seems off to me…I think I subscribe to the fake-out theory at this point. I don't think Ward is a triple agent as much as he figured his old S.O.