
Sush? Amaze?

The burner reference. There was a huge problem regarding burners and rape gifs on Kinja. I had registered mine prior to the well-deserved shitstorm, but now it's linked to an account, I don't know if I can change it.

Mine was Mr. Got This on everything else as well, and yes, we did. Obstacles crossed. ;)

Oh, honey. You don't need to do a rom-com. Roll up your sleeves, flash a tat and we can meet-cute IRL. I excell at prat falls.

Not sure if this is a breach of Kinja protocol, but I've been commenting for a bit now. The name was intended as a funny..... I miss being an active part of the conversation and would really like to take the black.

Tom Hardy in a rolled up button-down, being all woo-ey... Do not take this from me!

A few months ago, everything was going splendidly. In like Flynn. Grilled burgers, sipped bourbon, slow danced to some classic Motown. Once it got to that time, boy was so nervous he couldn't 'arrive' but didn't want to fess up. I gave him a back rub and we went to sleep. So, nerves maybe?

I'm a grey, but I think that this woman 's work is interesting and deserves to be seen. And yes, it's Vice, but please read it. (And no, not associated in any way). http://m.vice.com/read/laia-abri…

Are they African or European beads?

Good! (Insert Grumpy cat pic). I wish more teams/cities would commit to holding players liable for their actions. Yes, you, Pittsburgh. Big Ben quickly sets himself up with wife and kid and can resume hero status. And yes I know that no charges were officially filed.

Gaby Sidebe (may I call you Gaby?), own that shit. You were one of the few bright spots of AHS Coven, where death is irrelevant because the next ep will bring some form of Deus ex Machina resurrection. Seriously, lady, you were awesome.

My cramps are about to turn my uterus into the fucking Event Horizon. Any minute now, I shall bear down and birth an eyeless Sam Neill. Jezzie-verse, do NOT go in search of that ship!

The final interview with BabaWawa... oh gosh..... Such an interesting person.

My soon-to-be divorced, early 30's, endometriosing ass has recently been walloped with a major case of the babies. I had my friends over for Sunday dinner and held their 2 yr old in my lap the whole time. Audibly ticking. The guy I'm seeing, who I really like otherwise, has been snipped. Universe has a twisted

If we can do the horribly stiff dance demo at the other hotel!

Will somebody please take baby out of the corner? And by baby I mean me, and by corner I mean greys. I will carry ALL the watermelons!

The pottery wheel scene in Ghost.... sigh.

Jerry Orbach's Exasperated Face can sum up so many things...

My childhood ballet teacher was an extra in the dancing scenes!!!! I still get spaghetti arms over my two degrees of Swayze.

No hope of making it out of the greys, but Aeon Flux paired with Afghan Whigs.