
I love Versayce.

Up with stripey pups!

That face is what got the big fart- mageddon here! And he's sweet.

My recently-adopted Boo Radley challenges this girl to a fart-duel.

Tilda is my spirit animal.

Thanks everyone!

Today's my birthday. First in 10 years I haven't spent with my husband- we separated 3 months ago. Champagne, Chinese food, and puppy snuggles.

He's like, 'What up I got a big...... goat.'

Between this, the man charged with murder for forgetting his toddler, and my general PMS-y pessimism, the cat and I are going into hiding under a blanket. Let me know when there's good news. Code word 'hodor.'

I see it and think 'Baelor'. I am an old/dork.

I already had PMS. Now my ovaries will never be the same.

Wooh- wait. I'm single, and in a different state. One of those leftover backwards states.

This happens to me a lot, and I don't answer numbers I don't recognize. Whether I hear it ring or not, if I don't recognize you and you don't leave a vm, I'm not calling bac

She was great in Stoker. But different. That raw natural gorgeousness has become something kind of cold and off-putting. Again, perfect for Stoker.

This Nicole Kidman is the best Nic. That hair.

Sorry, I fought the Kinja and the Kinja won.

That is nearly, to the letter, what happened with me and the black lab. While I was fortunate to keep my eye, my eyelid is still furrowed and scarred 20-odd years later. My lesson is that no matter the breed, young kids and dogs have to be supervised. No matter the breed.

That little girl is adorable and deserves as much kindness and respect as we would give any other child her age. Side rant: I hate how dog attacks are classified in two ways- pit bull attack, and unspecified dog attack. Pit bulls, like ANY other dog, are only as good as their upbringing. As a child, I nearly lost

I suspect J-lo's Icecapades costume came complete with a built-in Wrath of Khan chest.

North Carolina... Yes. I can verify this.