
For those interested, there is some kind of linux support for these mentioned above:
Krita, Gimp, Storyboarder, Shotcut, DaVinci Resolve, Blender, Synfig, Inkscape, LMMS, Ocenaudio, Audacity, Scribus.

Now playing

The video’s a little much but Cash’s cover of “Hurt” is wrenching as well:

Gary Jules or Tear for Fears version of Mad World, “The dreams in which i’m dying are the best i’ve ever had.”

GOAD. My mother died at 84; she wasn’t actually sick, didn’t have cancer, heart disease or anything else specific. Her hospice doctor said she had GOAD. I asked him what that was, and he said Got Old And Died.

Nah, just freelancing these days, wherever the universe takes me. Including here at The Inventory :-)

Nah, just freelancing these days, wherever the universe takes me. Including here at The Inventory :-)

The right-wingers say that about basically anyplace that isn’t a flyover state. Because of Fox News my father thought you couldn’t walk down the street anywhere in California without tripping over a hypodermic needle and falling into a pile of feces. 

Possibly no jobs for the industry? Norway has plenty of corporate services there tied to the oil industry, but example tech industry is very much a Finland and Sweden thing in the Nordics.

$0 because you’re not going to win.

Stop calling me Shirley

I didn’t realize libraries let you borrow ebooks, this is game changing

Protip from a librarian: Put your kindle in airplane mode and you should be able to retain the checkouts past their due date.

I think the first infamous case was with Amazon and 1984 ironically enough. It’s always a good reminder though.

The best option?

Kindle format to PDF? Why not epub? PDF sucks. I convert all my Kindle ebooks to epub. 

This is why piracy reigns supreme. 

You forgot the name Ford tried to trademark.

The artwork on the side is what makes thisvan. So they can’t touch those pannels.

I bet you also use tabs instead of spaces. 

Did he ever rape the cat? I thought he was just a sexual harasser.

A hamburger. We have a couple of places here in Baton Rouge that can serve them that way. My favorite is the Bacon-Jalapeno Burger. Medium-rare burger, crispy bacon, sliced jalapenos, fully dressed with a fried egg on inside top (you have to ask for it). Squish it down to pop the yolk and go to town. The fact that