Wait, wait - in this remake it’s a woman being relegated to the status of an undesirable second-class citizen because of her age? Nobody will buy that, Hollywood.
Wait, wait - in this remake it’s a woman being relegated to the status of an undesirable second-class citizen because of her age? Nobody will buy that, Hollywood.
Podcast Addict is really good, it pulls shows from Itunes directory and other popular podcast directories.
Speaking of older bands out on tour this year.............the ticket prices? Holy shit!
Does it always feel like.....*ahem*.....somebody’s watching you?
holy s**t, remember when people used to invade Beatles’ homes or novelists or even scientists?
If you’ve ever had an interest in learning about Buddhism, now is the perfect opportunity. You can take a Harvard…
You might want to check out Volumio:
Streaming is just another aspect of the cloud, and the cloud is fucked. You are ALWAYS at someones else’s mercy on the cloud.
Ripping (copying or transcoding) a CD or DVD you own, strictly for your own personal use, is a Fair Use exemption to the DMCA. Even the RIAA is forced to admit as such on their own website: (though they obviously word it in a roundabout way, so as to avoid committing to this position in case they can change the law…
Ahem..Lindsay? You may want to rethink this strategy.
There are no fucking words after that, none. He’s finished, done. I’ve heard some attempted defences of people over the course of the post-Weinstein saga but never anything so extraordinarily disregarding of what actually happened as this with Tarantino wanting to be a pedant about the legal definition of rape all of…
I tried Spotify but the ads are annoying as shit if you’re too cheap or poor to pay for a membership
When I was shopping for a new car, my wife kept asking how I would listen to music with no CD player.
Wow, his career is over now. I guessing Christopher Pummer will replace him on Hart to Hart.
An old Sega CD video game at that. Glad I am not the only one who thought this.
Step 1: Install Cinnamon Desktop
Firefox killed almost all existing extensions only for it to add the functionality back as “new”
The only thing we get to see in the video is her moving around her Manhattan apartment, laying on couches, and opening books. Value/Bandwidth = Zero
Singer can be quite mercurial.
I think Microsoft wants everybody on Windows 10 (even cracked), just so they can force them to purchase software from the awful Windows Store.