
:D Google: apple student discount, name any random school k-12 or college and order up, i received 200 off on my macbook pro 3 years ago, with that money i saved i purchased apple care off ebay saving me almost 175 of apple care in retail, and just recently my macbook stared acting up and i received an brand new late

deals? anyone can get theses deals on any given day minus the iPad discount. i would of figured everyone by now figured out the little gem that gets you 100-200$ off on all macs on apples website. 2 years ago i was dragged to the mall on black friday and saw a line like it was a iPhone launch, i walk by and just had

because in europe no one is a pussy to be worrying about things like that, on my trip to poland they had one similar to that one above, voluntary breaking included, the one i was on is like a miniature metal half pipe and on certain turns where i was pushing it to the limit i could of easily flown out, only thing

i love how this story is sponsored by t-moible on the first page, then once you hit the link its sponsored by Viper Security, someone is hard at work in the marketing department!

i think its obvious why they would not give you a new gen replacement, there must be at least a million of these in circulation, what would stop anyone from going on ebay snatching them up for 40$ and receiving a an 100 something nano touch.... come on.

yea i realized that after i posted it, lol but still brings me to whether this is a one time trick and does not need repeating every power cycle or restart. no one seems to be able to confirm, do it once till you don't update or restore.

is this good only till your power down the device? or after activation you can power cycle this sucker all you want as long as you don't restore. also which iOS is it? 5? 4? all?

BTW, nice easter egg in the video when your panning the iPhone and "iPhone 4S" scrolls from left to right you turn the 4S to 4$ :D (0:15)

i don't know about cleveland, but seriously they are doing it in jersey, when i first realized on speed tests my iphone is always slower then anyone that has a 2gb plan, when and exchanged it, same thing, figured bad sim, got a new one, sisters phone is faster so i put my sim in hers and put hers in mine.... still

We need to keep in mind that people that are grandfathered in on the unlimited plan will have lower speeds regardless then of some one with a 2 gig plan.... for the longest time i was trying to figure out why my iPhone 4 was slower then my sisters. att throttles down unlimited plans by 30% at anytime. i proved this

it does when iOS 6 comes out next year and will leave your iPhone4S sluggish making you upgrade (acting like i wont but see where they got you)

Yes and also to add a human touch, they should have some little kids in a 3rd world country that are taking a lunch break from digging up the materials that go into our iPhones hand write the whole thing so it don't seem that we just pick, clicked, and shipped. ill burn in hell for saying this, but i guess I'm already

Best part about it is the reduction of workers from 500 to 200, any the world economies wonder why they are in the slumps

Honestly why unearth has Microsoft released a industrial win 7 phone yet like the zune, btw win 7 mobile os is a complete fail... Why does everything have to be halfway off screen, I'm a apple fan boy 100% but I like to have a "2nd" phone in the car and wanted not to

Can we chip our girlfriends? Some painless way while they are sleeping? I'll put a ring on it brings a new meaning ;)

Am I the only one that's going to say that we have another roswell situation senario?

I guess this time around the shit didn't hit the fan

we need more people like him in congress, to get this country back where it needs to be, and that is leading the world in innovation, halting our industrial war machine funding and becoming a nation of innovation again.

its not a joke.... but what was is the reporter showing how not easy (easy) it was getting into the manhole.

i was reading up on their website, the whole "whats after the shuttle program" they mention curiosity, and a whole bunch of "what if we had money" programs in my opinion that will not happen anytime soon or at all, speaking of curiosity... it seems like its the most complicated landing procedure for any type of rover