
for trump detox, i prefer grover & sesame street. it’s an immediate salve.

always use exclams when threatening a nuclear hit.

my mother had her ‘dream wedding’...

please stop trying to distract us while you’re committing treason...

please stop trying to distract us while you’re committing treason...

douchey signet ring.

i take exception to your first sentence, as that’s stereotyping. exactly what you’re raging against.

collins & murkowski are the voice of reason & measured thoughtfulness. you don’t hear many others of any stripe calmly stating ‘let’s do what’s right. period.’

walker jail. whaddya expect.

yes, the penis mightier than the sword.

‘closed until fatter notice’


k, good for you on dandy rhetoric. now what?

blergh. i am pleased to inform you of my choice to choke. for seven years, we can’t do shit. thank you mccain. a real maverick when it counts.

nice going.

haaaaa. yah. you go twirly prez. keep spinning your rotten agenda.

never trust a man with a ring other than wedding. period.

live by the tweet, die by the tweet. it’s going down, slowly.


well, he be fired.