Goggles Pizzano

Because Senna stories click well outside of the racing bubble, due to his worldwide fame. Villeneuve, despite his greatness, doesn't resonate as much among the masses. Still, for me, sometimes you have to write about something you care about, regardless of how many views it gets.

"Villeneuve, age 32, unaware of Mass's decision, kept his foot flat"

Congrats on being that guy. You win being "that guy" today.

This one has a mid mounted 455! Now we're talking!

3. Jeep Wrangler

I've always believed VW should have just stopped at the type 34. The first time i saw one, I just stood and gawked for 15 minutes. Such beautiful, lightweight roof pillars. Great balance front to rear. Amazing!

HAH! I didn't win the AOTD with my submission because it was such an unbelievably bad team that it required it's own article!

Today in 1931, a little car company known as Porsche was founded. In the 83 years since, the company has

You should watch the video I posted. Koenigsegg is making many parts, including components of the engine, out of 3D printed material. It seems like Equus is only using it for aesthetic parts.

Never have I felt such understeer looking at a still image.