Goggles Pizzano

Yep, that's pretty much me every time

Wow. you must be a real purist. A real car guy.

BMW is insisting US cars will hit in July. Best numbers so far are around 800 cars globally for the first year, 300-ish for the US. Some countries are only getting demonstrators in the first batch, we're lucky to get customer cars.

If they really want to sell 800k cars/year in this country, that's the kind of thinking they're gonna need. Lately, it seems like they want to out-Toyota Toyota, which is going to be very difficult.

Boss V10 Mule

Soo many to chose from!!!!

89 GT

Cobra R was pretty awesome...

After I got home, I uploaded the video, and lo and behold: The light was green! After reviewing the video a few times, I realized exactly what had happened. The US border van had white and blue lights flashing on top of the van, causing the 2 cars in the left and center lanes to stop and let the van make a left turn

The pics above are relatively small and grainy. Torch, feel free to replace them with these in 1280x720, if you wish. With bonus screenshots, too (mirrored on imgur):

Lola T70 in THX 1138.