Goggles Pizzano

Just slightly more than a loaded 911 Turbo Cabriolet then.

Lotus 76. The arrow shape is one reason it's one of my favorites.

Love it. My day just got much brighter.

These posts are makin' me thirsty.

Bugatti EB110 proposal

Just got to that part. :-)x

Pretty sure that's Nick Mason at the beginning of the movie.

Cool to see things brought to the public, but the clever bit would go to Michelin with their tire designed for the '92 Peugeot 905 Evo 2.

Wheelbase to track ratio of 1.5:1. That'll do it.

There are consistencies.

A sense of humor is needed to understand both my original reply and the gif. Why the "dumbass" comment? Cheer up.

That naming convention is messed up.

Sometimes the little guy can keep up, sometimes they can excel, but it's a rare when the little guy changes everything. Dodge pushed everyone. "The Rules Have Changed". It was awesome.

Looks most like they applied the Dakota design language.

I absolutely agree, and I think we're on the same page. The "get out of jail free card" I mentioned in my first reply would certainly fix the alarming headline issue that you speak of.

I agree engineers know better than anyone with regards to safety and what needs to be done. One thing they know nothing about is how their cars will be tested in the future and how that information will be relieved to the public (and that's all the general public knows).

No, sorry.

The small offset crash as a whole. Someone that isn't a gearhead reads that so and so car isn't safe. What does this do to their image of that manufacturer? It's quite possible they may believe that a manufacturer hasn't been doing a good job, or doesn't have their buyer's safety as a top priority.