
How does this benefit Sony in any way? The Vita officially ended production, so Sony isn’t going to be generating any more revenue from the system at this point. It’s funny how Sony wasn’t willing to make a lot of games for the Vita but are willing to push out firmware updates to a now dead system.

That’s it, I’m fucking done with this game. First, they make it very challenging to do a raid without having 7 other friends actively playing the game when you want them to and now since I've been too busy to play anything for the past couple of weeks am unable to play the new DLC until Ubisoft decides I can. Fuck that

I get the feeling that at least This version of the controller won’t come over to the West due to Daemon X Machina being a very niche title for the Switch. But, I do think it’s possible that we’ll see a generic version of the controller or a Mario/Zelda themed one come over.

I finished the game on Normal in about 8 hours, and I just started replaying it on hard. The core gameplay loop is a lot fun, and despite the limited amount of gear there’s a lot of fun ways to use it.

Got 12 things for $50. Pretty good!

Got 12 things for $50. Pretty good!

It would be disappointing, but it also seems likely. Catherine was ported to PC not too long ago despite the fact that the PS4 version with more content comes out in September. (And this version is confirmed to be PS4 exclusive) I don’t understand why the didn’t just wait to port the newer version, and I wouldn’t be

We know pretty much for a fact that’ll be usable in google chrome, as they tested this with Project Stream not to long ago. This means that Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Chrome OS can run it pretty easily.

It’s simple Valve, you charge anywhere from 20%-30% depending on sales, whereas Epic charges 12% period. The developer/publisher is still making more money by charging $50 with a 12% cut vs charging $60 with a 30% cut. More developers/publishers are going to jump ship until you offer something better. 

Apparently the MSRP for the Switch port is $30 

My experience is that the game is fun but the online multiplayer needs a fair bit of work. GSP is one of the worst ranking systems I’ve seen in an online game. The reliance of using P2P for player connections makes it to where games are laggy even if you have great internet due to the other person having a poor

I think that Blizzard was expecting the same reaction they got for Hearthstone from Diablo Immortal. The problem is that the two titles are vastly different; Hearthstone started out as a PC game developed by Blizzard which later got ported to phones, whereas Diablo Immortal is being developed exclusively for phones by

What I’m finding hard to understand is why they’re making these changes globally. If the Chinese version is region locked, then couldn’t they just region lock the changes too? Ubi can’t really make the excuse that they’re trying to unify the game for everyone when they’re going to have seperate servers for certain

Even if the cable should work fine with the Switch, I would still recommend getting an official cable. A lot of the reports I’ve read about bricked Switches come from people using third party adapters when the Switch is docked and or third party docks. 

Even if the cable should work fine with the Switch, I would still recommend getting an official cable. A lot of the

Well they wouldn’t of added pools and toddlers back through updates if their removal at launch was a feature.

I’m not sure removing features for the sake of ‘optimization’ is a good thing. It’s to be expected that the sequel to a game is going to be more demanding than the game that came before it. And while the Sims is typically aimed at a casual audience, even they will probably assume that the newer game should take more

Now just make the gunplay not RNG and I’ll probably play it again

Me: I don’t really like mobile games.

This... actually sounds fine if they do it right. I just hope that the story isn’t secondary like in many open world multiplayer games, and that the game can still be enjoyed when playing by yourself. Also, base building is fine, but make it optional like in Fallout 4.

Hopefully the combat system in this is more like traditional Pokemon than Pokemon Go. I might have to pass otherwise, as I got sick of Pokemon Go pretty quickly after release and this just seems like Pokemon Go minus the walking if there’s no proper combat. At least a proper game will come out next year.

They show people catching original pokemon in game in the trailer.