
This is... odd to say the least. I’m pretty sure that Resident Evil 7 could run on the Switch, granted at 30 fps instead of 60. I even remember reading articles claiming that Nintendo raised the amount of Ram in the Switch due to Capcom saying that the RE Engine (The engine running Resident Evil 7) wasn’t able to run

I’m not terribly surprised considering how most of MvC Infinite was just recycled assets from previous Capcom games.

It’s only a matter of time before they stop making memory cards too, which will make it much more difficult to store games unless you have a modded PSTV.


Agreed, Sega could easily back this for very little financially.

I really want to play this when it comes out, but I think the transition from the Switch back to the 3DS might be too much for me.

If the game is good I’ll buy it. I’ve purchased every Metal Gear Solid game, so it’s not like I have anything against Kojima. I’m just frustrated that we’ve seen three trailers for the game but no gameplay, and I’m hoping that they aren’t revealing most of the important cinematics before the game comes out like with

Clues to gameplay mechanics and actually showing gameplay mechanics are two completely different things. Thinking about what you want to do in the game from the trailer versus what you can actually do in the game lead to the disaster that was No Man’s Sky. Now, obviously Kojima has a LOT more experience than Sean

The entire time watching this trailer I just thought to myself, when are we actually going to see gameplay? It’s hard to get excited for a game when you don’t even know what type of game it is. And no, the game being made by Hideo Kojima isn’t enough for me to buy it.

This made my day

I don’t get why developers even try to release games that are buggy/unfinished anymore, especially on PC where people can just refund the game entirely. People are getting tired of it, and it’s backfiring in many cases such as:

The entire PC part market has gotten inflated over the couple of months. Ram, SSD storage, and GPU’s are all costing more than they should be.

The entire PC part market has gotten inflated over the couple of months. Ram, SSD storage, and GPU’s are all costing

Two days ago I managed to grab a 480 gig Silicon Power Sata III SSD for $108,which in the given market is actually a really good deal. (They sold out within a couple of hours I believe. I kind of wish I had boughten a second one so I could turn it into an external drive.)

Two days ago I managed to grab a 480 gig Silicon Power Sata III SSD for $108,which in the given market is actually a

I know that Battleborn had it’s May release date before Overwatch announced their release date, but even so Gearbox should have delayed Battleborn just to separate itself from Overwatch. We all knew Overwatch was going to sell millions of copies just from hype alone, and Gearbox was stupid to compete with it.

Denuvo is definitely concerned at the moment, and I do think that they have something in their sleeves in the near future, however there’s not a huge concern for Denuvo if it takes a month or two for a game to get cracked. By then, the people that were going to buy the game at full price already did. The people that

Yeah, I’ve got no reason to purchase this. It takes maybe a minute to connect a Dualshock 4 with DS4Windows via bluetooth, and seconds if I plug it in. It works perfectly fine as an X-Input device, something that’s not guaranteed with this dongle, and you can customize the light bar and macros.

PS4K won’t be a huge upgrade, however it’ll still be cheaper to manufacture hardware with the base PS4 specs. There are plenty of people that still don’t have a PS4 or Xbox One due to financial reasons, so making a sub $250 console could be a game changer to those people.

The PSVR has a box that you have to plug in in order to use it. While developers won’t be able to directly use the power of this box, the box apparently does some system functions ensuring that developers can get the most out of the PS4 hardware in VR.

This is a pretty horrible-looking design. I have a feeling that this is could be a cheaper version of the PS4, hence why it doesn’t look as good as the original and only has a 500 gig hard drive. Sony did a similar thing where they made a version of the PS3 Slim with a 12 gig hard drive.
