Should I just send a picture of the middle finger?
Should I just send a picture of the middle finger?
awesome to know, I don't have room on my vita, but I'll download the PS3 version
Though the Williamses are not involved in the new game, Roberta said she was impressed with what she's seen of the new game. It'll be out next fall for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
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What was even better was that the save that corresponded with the sex scene got corrupted since I had to exit the game because the game didn't give me the option to skip the non-existent dialogue.
Too bad that Velvet Assassin wasn't that good.
Dude, image if AC IV (Black Flag) had the nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor, having randomized pirate captains that were fun to fight and kill them.
Well, as well as the complaints that people have said about past games, AC Unity just wasn't ready to ship. The game's frame rate was sub par the ENTIRE game, the game was buggy as hell. (Which, honestly I could get over the buggy part since it's an open world game. Hell, Dragon Age Inquisition is a buggy game at the…
I would tend to agree with this, POP 2008 was amazing and I'm annoyed that Ubisoft hasn't done anything major with the franchise since then.
Just like I know that Kotaku is a "game" site.
I agree, this seems more like a PR stunt than anything, as I think most game "leaks" are now. If you think about it, if a game were to come out potentially before the game was ready to be shown off for the first time, I would think that someone would get fired.
I feel like Watch Dogs didn't know what it wanted to be. Too much of the game was spent driving, even though driving didn't feel good, and the game didn't know if wanted to be a third person shooter or a stealth game.
Honestly, I was hoping for an Assassin's Creed game to take place somewhere in Asia, because it would be a nice change of pace from the European-styled architecture present in most of the other games. (Besides AC III and Liberation, and possibly other games because I haven't played AC and don't really feel like it)
Assassin's Creed, now with an acceptable frame rate and actual faces!
Update: I actually have the image right here. I would show the other one, but it has NSFW content and I don't feel like photoshopping stuff.
Yeah, I've had this happen to me a few times. It was really awkward when my Dwarf was making a weird face at Cassandra during their sex scene.
Already saw Fury, and didn't plan to see any of these other movies anyway, so this doesn't effect me in any way. That being said, it must really suck for Sony right now.
How was the major fps issues in ALL versions of AC Unity an 'unexpected' technical issue. There's no way someone looked at the gameplay and went, "It's running well".
Yeah, I'd also agree with this.