
Honestly, when it comes to fan remakes, I would rather the people that make them make a new game instead. I'm tired of all these fan remakes that get shut down because they didn't even check with the developer if it was okay, it just makes everyone's hopes go away.

I hope that glitches for smash are next week's photoshop contest.

Why hasn't Valve thought of this, except for when you cry. The controller will collect blood and tears every time you think about Half Life 3. With me, I would be dead in about 10 minutes.

Interesting, but when will they make the blood sport keyboard and mouse?

I've literally spent the past 4 hours playing the Hinterlands, and I hear this shit. That being said, I found the Hinterlands to be kind of fun, so if the rest of the game is better than the Hinterlands, I'm all for it.

I knew from pretty much the beginning that Nintendo wouldn't make enough of these adapters for their day one customers. I haven't gotten Smash WiiU yet, but I can wait if it means that I can play with a GC controller. For how expensive these things are going for, I may find a third party solution to this problem if it

Really!? Dear god.

Fox news, reporting the news that isn't news, and letting the actual news go to actual news places. (cough, cough, BBC)

It's important to note that Ubisoft also made Uplay because they wanted to make more money from sales. What happened is that we got a shitty service that makes it such a pain in the ass that people don't want to buy their games.

Simple answer to the lack of a FOV slider on consoles; they aren't powerful enough to render at a higher FOV. Developers set the FOV pretty low on consoles so that the game can look as good as possible at a stable framerate.

Well, Far Cry 4 is actually a good PC port, where as we don't completely know if The Crew is a good PC port.

Yeah, but if Ubisoft really cared for the consumer, they wouldn't put in their ass-backwards DRM to begin with and just let people who bought the game PLAY THE GAME instead of worrying of the people that will pirate it.

Meanwhile at Uplay, None of the games are working and monkeys are the support team to fix it.

This would be a big deal, but Pirates have already patched Far Cry 4 to have the FOV slider back.

I'm waiting for Fox news to take this out of proportion.

"War has changed" *Old Snake

Hideo Kojima skin mod, here we come!

They haven't said anything about a release date for any platform, so there's still a chance that the game will come out day one on PC. I personally doubt it, and I'll get the PS4 version if this is the case because I need the Phantom Pain as soon as it comes out.

Yeah, I was in the same boat. While I did have a PS4, I didn't want to pay $30 for a game that I could easily finish in a few hours, so I held off until there was a PSN sale that had Ground Zeroes and Peace Walker HD for $20 for the both of them.

I don't think so. While they haven't said anything, Kojima has said that players who played Ground Zeroes would get exclusive content for the Phantom Pain, which leads me to believe that Ground Zeroes will not be included in the Phantom Pain.