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    "Yesterday I was just a barista and today…I'm still a barista! Barista!"

    Fair enough. If you've ever read Splitsider, EW and Uproxx reviews, it's straight up ice cream for dinner and I can't believe they have so many great things to say about mediocre episodes but terrible things to say about great episodes. I realize it's a matter of taste. Comedy can be subjective. I just tend to agree

    Yeah, it's a trope they undercut with that scene of him using the hurricane wreckage to train. If it was treated straightforward and and true to the show, that moment Bobby falls sells so much harder. But instead it used the tragedy as a joke as well, instead of a compliment to the main joke.

    You haven't read many reviews then. These reviews are pretty kind and safe compared to some of the old reviews and reviews of SNL on other sites. Also, it's good to have a critical eye on a show that's supposed to be the cutting edge of satire, but hasn't been quite that lately. It's OK to want a show that you love to

    I had the same feeling. Felt like punching down when it didn't really serve the joke. I get that they needed the "sad story" stakes, but the scene where he used parts of the wreckage to train felt a little low. I understand that point may seem too sensitive, but there are ways of using that trope and device without

    Yeah! I was disappointed no mention of this one.

    Bobby usually does Cruz, but since he was Chris Christie, I guess they used the other reliable player.

    That pirate sketch was horrendous.

    People pay good money for a deskjob.

    You're pointing out race vs ethnicity. But it doesn't make my point less valid.

    Understood. Fast food places look down on that.

    Except for stomachs.

    How much did you touch yourself when you wrote that? Because I can see your grin from here.

    So…no mention of white cast members still playing Latinos?