Godzooks the Drunken

You just went from discussing something very general to something very specific. In your example, the Rs ask for funding for the concentration camps . They claim it’s to make the facilities better for the humanitarian crisis that they created. Ds ask for specifics on how the money will be spent. Rs refuse.

Certainly it's not. But sometimes it is.

That's an awesome idea. Where's Thanos when you need him?

Sure. When you don’t have the votes to pass the agenda, sometimes you can move the football by making compromises and getting to something incrementally better.

I don’t view it as an issue of trust other than trust that the Republicans have no interest in compromise or governing the people ethically.

We have no control over what the completely unethical Mitch McConnell does except to vote him out.

What’s the alternative? Eliminate the filibuster so that when the Republicans eventually control both houses and the oval office, the US becomes a literal totalitarian state?

Illinois has 2 very good Senators.

Where is that quote from?

They haven’t been getting anything because they don’t control the Senate. I’ve been on Splinter since day 1. First time anyone here has called me a troll. I don’t recognize you though.

The alternative to compromise is fucking a chicken.

It won’t always be like this. Durbin is a great legislator (though that “better angels” phrase needs to die a quick and painful death.) Vengeance and retribution accomplish nothing.

Abolishment of the filibuster will only hasten the full fascist state.

The Democrats are in the unenviable position of trying to actually do things for the country. The Republicans exist only for tax cuts for the wealthy. That’s it. They give zero fucks about anything else.

Yep, McConnell was holding all the cards on that one. He blocked every single thing he could. What does that have to do with this discussion?

And that’s usually how it works. The party in control gets most of what it wants, and the minority party gets a little something to sell to its constituents. No compromise means nobody gets anything.

Neither party has an interest in compromise, but compromise always has been and always will be the way progress is made. Like it or not, there are other Americans who disagree with your positions. Progress cannot be stopped, but it takes time.

Counterpoint: Dick Durbin is an EXCELLENT Senator, and knows the only way to advance an agenda is to have the votes which sometimes means compromising with the other side.

That Corvette is no Hellcat.