Godzooks the Drunken

This dude hid out for centuries, biding his time. What was he doing during that time? Was he just sitting around in a cave or something?

I was Team White Walkers, hoping for them to wipe out all of humanity and the have the Night King break out that slight smirk only when overlooking the frozen, silent wasteland.

Man, Biden has REALLY aged. I mean, not that it’s unexpected, but he is really looking old. This is going to be the “Oops I shit my pants!” primary. 

Sure! It feels good to connect with like-minded people. The sense of community is comforting. I feel like the very religious are the most easily cowed just for the simple fact that they are consciously willing to set aside reason and logic in order to satisfy a belief in the supernatural. A person who is willing to


The groupthink point is prescient. The internet has made it extraordinarily easy to find self affirming echo chambers, and it doesn’t take much coercion to bend people’s thoughts once they have bought in. Look at what the fuckin’ evangelicals have become for Christ’s sake. Hell, look at what happens to Splinter

Yeah, I get the feeling that Arnheim might be some kind of educator or something.

Bernie cooked it up, and frankly, he’s the only candidate who can get away with saying this.

It doesn’t crack the top 50

This entire issue is a red herring. In 2016, only about 55% of eligible voters voted in the Presidential election, yet we’re to believe that people who were out there committing crimes are people who were likely to also be those performing their civic duty? Why are they even talking about this?

She’s trying to keep pace with Bernie when she oughta’ just allow him to outflank her on this issue. This is NOT what these candidates should be talking about, but kudos to Bernie for making the others have to address an issue that he can’t lose on.

It’s not only the other side that wouldn’t like it. Most Democratic voters would never support this idea. It’s bad politics.

I have a better idea. Push hard for the good idea of restoring voting rights to felons who have paid their debt to society, and leave the politically nonviable idea in the dustbin where it belongs. 

The people who are incarcerated now don’t have a say in the matter, and you’re kidding yourself if you think the American electorate gives fucks about their right to vote. You could probably convince a majority of the people that a person’s right to vote to vote should be restored after they have paid their debt to

Did you miss the whole entire part about restoring rights to felons AFTER completion of their sentences, parole, and probation? Or are you just a troll?

Nobody thinks restoring voting rights to incarcerated criminals is an important issue, and most people (if they’ve even ever considered it) would be against it. It’s a complete loser of an issue, and only stands to make Democrats look foolish.

This is such foolish water for Bernie and the Democrats to be treading in. Prisoners having the right to vote is a TINY issue and it would certainly be massively unpopular among the electorate. Congratulations on creating red meat for the Rs.
