Godzooks the Drunken
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Prosecutors become true believers in the system, and they become either blinded or wholly corrupt. For anyone who hasn’t seen this Anita Alvarez piece from 60 minutes, give it a watch. It is FUCKING CHILLING the lengths to which prosecutors will protect the system.

Good doggie, though.

I look forward to having the report finished. I believe STRONGLY that Mueller and his team have done a thorough job. Whatever the investigation yields, we have to be ready to believe it, even if it doesn’t fit the versions we have created in our minds. The best case scenario is that Trump was merely dangerously

There was plenty of justification to fire Comey. Like it or not, the President can fire the Director because he doesn’t like his tie. As it were, the President asked him to provide justification, and he did his job. He REFUSED to say it had anything to do with Russia. The memo was professionally written. Trump

I’m trying to imagine a scenario in which wearing a wire into the oval office would ever be legal. I cannot imagine being able to get a permit to do that under almost any circumstance. Revealing this now makes it seem like there was an illegal conspiracy to remove the President from office, and it will absolutely have

Waiting to see how it plays out.

Agree, but I don’t understand why he’s spilling on Hot Rod Rosenstein. 

You get it.

This is fantasy. Look at the Senate.

Public option was/is a politically expedient stepping stone to single payer. It isn’t a dumb idea. It’s smart politics. When you don’t have the votes for radical change, you keep the ball rolling. That’s fucking progress. It turns out, they didn’t even have the votes for the public option, but somehow the votes for

Oy Vey

This whole “bad bitch” thing needs to die a quick death, but I agree. Her comments seemed in line. Vapid as usual, but not noteworthy.

Nor cookies.

Oh, I don’t think it’s the end of Trump by a long shot. But there is very little appetite for another shutdown. Trump won’t suffer, but the Republicans will. 

I think this is a domestic wedge issue that they are losing on. Only Trump’s most ardent fans still think another shutdown is a good idea.

When he starts becoming a liability for them, that’s when the tide turns. The first shutdown hurt them. Another would be potentially devastating. He’s going to sign the deal anyways.

Why don’t you pray for the fucking guts to override the President when he lacks the wisdom. In fact, why don’t you stop praying and do your fucking duty.

I don’t control that. I’m just a commenter.