Godzooks the Drunken

I think maybe because our organization is an association on the management side with union employees, he MAYBE was trying to play to some assumed anti-union sentiment. (Subsequently, I saw him speak at a symposium where he expressed anti-union views.) I also detected a not small amount of misogyny in his comments.

Walmart made $9.86 fucking BILLION last year, NET INCOME, and over $70 fucking BILLION over the past 5 years. 

5 years ago, I was interviewing an attorney for a position in my professional organization (over lunch.) At some point, he took it upon himself to offer this opinion: “The only people I can’t stand are teachers and nurses... have you ever met a nurse or a teacher who didn’t act as if they knew everything?”

You’re delusional.

I look for perfect grammar and unusually descriptive terms. My guess is those are from paid review writers.

You, um... your screen name is TomatoFace, Shut Up. Your comment history is 100% stalking TF. You seem pretty obsessed. Someone literally cracked up on Gawker over TF (maybe that was you?) TF has prompted me to comment a few times over the years, jagoff that he is. Pretty easy to spot nowadays. but I’m not wasting a

But mah term limits will solve everything!”

Why do you dedicate so much energy to trolling a troll? It’s just bizarre.

“It’s actually sad how much time you commit to it”

Gimme the taco salad, hold the salad.

Perhaps even then, we’ll be able to imagine a time when a destructive and dangerous party might gain a majority, and we’ll think, “Nah, let’s keep this little tool that could save us from totalitarianism in place."

I heard they make a mean taco salad.

That’s probably not as good.

There are any number of much nicer and newer Expeditions and Navigators with half the miles and all the luxury features that are capable of getting most people where they want to go.

I’d have to leave the house for that. My curls may be only 12 oz., but at 12% abv, they’re “high gravity.”

Exercise is the cat’s ass. I do 12 oz. curls.

Am I supposed to know who the fuck Noah Smith is? I’m pretty sure I don’t give a fuck.

Beyond that, a company will always choose to pay a benefit rather than a wage to avoid payroll tax, workers comp, general liability... all based on wages. Even if they can’t take a deduction, they will avoid other expenses. For the employee, I’m not certain if the benefit gets taxed at the same rate as simple income.

I wonder if the benefit is tax free or not taxed as income. Perhaps the benefit of loan repayment is a tax deduction for the company, and doesn’t get recorded as income for the employee? 

2 weeks is pretty fuckin’ standard, isn’t it?