Treehouse Of Enh Who Cares They'll Watch It
Treehouse Of Enh Who Cares They'll Watch It
every week I'm less and less into giving this a shot, which is too bad because conceptually it's so much fun. my "I'll get around to it" is getting pushed further towards the sun
loved this, but I mean. of course I did.
fuck I gotta watch oogieloves again
a friend has seen this and says it's great, and fixes the movie's biggest problem in giving Rita her own arc
no stranger to DISCRIMINATION and RACIAL HATRED omg *fumes for days*
army of darkness is a definite contender for silliest movie ever made
god I love these guys
whoa, 87490 comments - good work everyone! sorry I haven't been around for like a year and a half but stuff is going ok and i'm still at the toy store. hope you are all A-OKAY
the trailer, the leaked script, and the rogen are so fucking bad I just do not believe it
I knew this was gonna be gutting but I read it anyway and I want to go back to bed. stay strong all of you
I hurt my foot pretty badly so I guess there's tomorrow sorted
benedict cumberbatch will play tetsuo masterfully
yeah, the anime is a pretty solid adaptation. the stuff that's stronger in the manga wouldn't necessarily work better with more movies/runtime.
akira (the manga - the movie is good but not as good as the comic) is basically my religion. I like lin, I think he's fun, but please can we let this adaptation die and stay dead
better call PAUL!!!! coming 2027
honestly, if that's a priority, I'm in. if not, I'll probably forget about this as quickly as the rest of the world will
it's mediocre turtles all the way down
hi team, jello here, been a while - hope you're all ok! hard to believe this thread is almost a year old. anyway just sort of popping in to let you know I've been making comics and posting them on mermaid comics dot com and to check in and make sure nobody's deathly ill or anything. what's up! what have I missed