godwhacker, your incandescent leader!

In all fairness, the commenting has improved over the last year or so. not nearly as troll and fanboi driven as it was in times past. My real problem with the Giz has been content oriented, and that changed when blam left. I went from an all day every user to where I spend an hour a week, if that. Some of the newer

Nice, so the fix is platitudes, a cheap case, an inference that you are too stupid to hold the phone correctly (we even made a line in the antenna to show you not where not to hold it) and we are working real hard excuses. And when he showed the other phones dropping signals the were gripping them in a way that no

While HP may find a use for the webos in a tablet, it will place itself into a corner with a large part of market that has been brought up on Windows.

never, ever, EVER will there be cfl's in my house

3.5 takes out ad block, therefore fail, and i couldn't roll it back to 3.4 in unbutu

my first car:

i may be wrong, but a hard drive that can only take heat up to 85 degrees f isnt going to be useful in a laptop

"any combination of iPhone/iPod you could imagine."

wow, into the belly of the beast, eh?

waiting for the 5 d cell version (purely for home defense)

gotta have the model 375 record a horn