I thought an eagle punch was when you punch someone in the stomach right before he climaxes causing them to screech and flap their arms.
I thought an eagle punch was when you punch someone in the stomach right before he climaxes causing them to screech and flap their arms.
It has recently come to my attention that used Nissan Leafs are tremendously cheap. Insanely cheap. Ridiculously…
Just this once, I’ll let her speak for me. I really do not give a fuck about the whole nontroversy surrounding her, and I think the wastoids who make a giant issue out of every female who’s involved, no matter how tangentially, in gaming make me want to puke . Oh, yes, I know, you have reasons for hating her. She…
I love that they try to reason with you. And maybe lay a slight guilt trip on you while they’re at it.
Imma let you finish but Enter The Matrix and A Bug’s Life were some of the best movie tie ins of all time
Nothing wrong with freckles. But moles- yuck. Get that shit lasered bro.
I read The Game a few years ago. One of my Dude Roommates had it, and was like “read this shit, it will definitely piss you off and also I know you and your sister are obsessed with the VH1 show The Pickup Artist.”
Thank you!
Did they manage to make his face smaller? WTF? But points to his lawyers, he looked a lot younger and nerdier in his court gear.
This was amusing, I enjoyed it.
This post wins all the Kinja
I can feel it, thousands of Kotaku posters furiously typing the word “entitled” again and again.
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your pretty much weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you…
Dear Men.
Dear Men.
I read it as “Large Hardon Collider”
BattleTech, home of classic tabletop action and some excellent video games, is making a digital comeback. This time…
Mighty No. 9, an upcoming video game about a blue robot who fights against evil robot masters and collects their…