
I would say they found a way to make a wretchedly unlistenable song even more unlistenable. A notable achievement in the field of evil.

Aw, no "Mandocello" discussion. Talk about a song with a fucking amazing bridge.

Like many of AV Club's considerations, this greatly reduces and/or contorts a work's qualities to fit the thesis. Wreck-it-Ralph has way more to say than simply, "accept your lot in life."

Rhaegar is Dany's FATHER, not BROTHER, right? Or does it not matter the least in a world where the incest is so strong one could theoretically be one's own grandpa?

Luke didn't kill Vader, he just slapped him around a bit.

"leaves a deeper impact." Oh-ho. I see what you did there, Adams. Clever-clever.

Soundtrack by Muse. You heard it here first

Visconti is a bass player

Very clever, CNN. I see what you did there.

Beautiful tribute. You put the pin in it: he was the patron saint, the savior for every kid who never fit in.

He was no BJ Honeybutt, but he was a fine surgeon nonetheless.

Iron Man did a pretty great cover of this back when he was fighting Ally McBeal.

Not only is the Google ad a blatant rip, it's a shitty ad. It could really do with being followed by a buck-toothed Brit with a wacky take on today's politics.

Yes. In the same way I find chewing aluminum foil and paper cuts between my toes awesome.

In what backwards-ass world is any of the riffage in "Cult of Personality" similar to "Cherry Pie?"

The "Glyn Johns Method" for micing and recording drums is legendary. It gave us the "John Bonham Sound," but then, any microphone on John Bonham will give you that sound.

Gary can play and he can sing. His songwriting is still a bit unformed, but he's doing interesting things with noisy rock guitar. And for that, I listen.

They're moving in heels … they do move in heels.

It's worth noting that Kenny Jones actually was the Who's drummer for several tracks on "Who Are You?" having taken the drum throne when Moon was too wasted and sick to play.

Often overlooked fact about King Vidor: he directed several significant scenes of "Wizard of Oz"—including "Over the Rainbow" and the Twister sequence—when Victor Fleming was off making "Gone with the Wind."