
Yes, but you see, Kid Rock is an asshole

I'm sure he felt he was in some way protecting the scene by producing In Utero, but Albini at the helm of a Bush album was just a sacrilege.

Thompson is one of the best guitar players walking the planet.

"The End" is skippable? This article is skippable! Good day, sir!

Fuck, brah, that was a long news item.

Can I just buy the nipples off the Batman Forever suit?

Lindsey Buckingham is NOT on the cover of Rumours. That is drummer Mick Fleetwood doing the weird dance thing with Stevie Nicks.

Bring back Sandahl Bergman or GTFO

WTF? No Wez? Humongous may have led the show, but the Wez towered over Road Warrior

The Instigator is a minor pop masterpiece.

Curious that Dowd refers to Love as Cobain's "ex-wife," instead of as his "widow." Guess it's correct that his death made her an "ex" spouse, but the choice of words begs the question: Does A.A. Dowd, like the rest of us, find it hard to afford Courtney Love common respect?

Microsoft sucks so hard they should make vacuums.

My kid is addicted to the SkylanderKid's videos, the father of said kid thinks he's a hilarious star and needs to infuse nonstop wit into the commentary. What he really needs is a good, hard cockpunch.

Rick Baker is amazing. But he did not do the werewolf effects on "The Howling."

It won't stop that service from sinking like a stone.

So you won't wear their t-shirt now, anymore?

It's interesting the a capella section gets a callout here. Everytime I'd hear that part, I'd think about all the distortion and compression effects on his voice (not to mention the Autotune) and think it's a pretty cowardly way for a singer to go "naked."