
One would assume he is the guy doing those tests, unless they hire a separate test driver for the tests, which would be.... Well I don't think OP thought this one through.

I get OS updates on my OnePlus faster than any other phone I’ve had. In fact, got the update from Android 8 to 8.1 last week.

I live in New York,I have T-Mobile, and there isn’t anywhere in the city I’ve been without service except the basement of the building I work in & underground between subway stations.

You’ve been able to do that with Google Now for something like 3yrs now (was built into my Xperia Z3 when I first got it), Assistant only makes it work less well I assure you.

You don’t want it. One of the perks of having an older Android is that you still have Google Now which is superior to Assistant in every possible way. Used to be able to trick my phone into using Now but it’s no longer workable for me.

Who cares about fast charging? Plenty of people, it’s the wireless charging that’s mostly useless. If you’re just putting it on your wireless charger to go to sleep you could almost as effortlessly just plug it in. But the wireless is even slower than the non-quick charging. I can easily run my phone down to 20-35% by

You should brush up on your English studies. Subjects, predicates, lists, that kind of thing. Sander’s statement was clear and clearly didn’t mean what you think it did.

Because that’s a perfectly correct way to frame it using the English language. The bigoted interpretation of the OP is just wrong, that’s not how English works, that’s not how subjects and predicates work. He set it up as two completely separate thoughts then laid out two completely separate thoughts. Very simple. At

None of what you’ve said is true how your framed it. Take the time to Google any of the claims made here and that will become clear

And over many decades he has repeatedly and consistently done so.

That is patently incorrect. We’re discussing two different aspects of the Trump presidency that need to be combatted. One is his attacks on various groups like the LGBTQ community. Another is the myriad economic & political problems that produce stagnant wages, disappearing jobs, etc that harm all of us as Americans

“Sanders juxtaposes “ordinary Americans” against women, Latinx and black people and the LGBTQ community as if they were different groups.”