Diego Armando

My issue was that it seemed to revel in the grossness. Scorsese's fantastic directorial eyes worked to his disadvantage because he made everything Leo was doing look beautiful and glamorous instead of scuzzy. Plus the movie was way to long for the amount of story he had. We did not need 20 minutes of setup and 2

I think he did make that seem glamorous and focuses too heavily on the debauchery. It seemed like the film was "I did some shady stuff screwing over people we never see, SO LETS WATCH ME SCREW DOZENS OF GORGEOUS HOOKERS, MAKE ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF MONEY, AND DO WONDERFUL DRUGS FOR 3 HOURS."

I will back you up on Wolf of Wall Street being horrible. And I thought it was fairly misogynistic.

What I loved about the Injustice books is that they were obviously written by someone who loves Superman. They do a great job of setting him up as a sympathetic figure and show him descending into fascism reluctantly and with heavy manipulation by people like Sinestro. For the first few books, Batman comes off as

Why don't Thor and the Hulk get the same level of "He is so overpowered, so he is boring" crap that Superman gets. They are easily as (ifn't more) brokenly powerful, but Superman is the whipping boy of the people who never read the good stories.

He was on Blood vs. Water. His wife Monica was on One World. BvW is great, One World is almost unwatchable.

Jenna Morasca also won 4.

My problem with the Marvel Studio movies is that they seem to be the result of an equation designed to create a crowd pleasing movie franchise: They must require a snarky male lead who must defeat a one dimensional villain who desires a maguffin. There must be a will they/won't they with an underdeveloped woman.

They wimped out in that movie. It seems like Civil War just ended with everyone fine again. I think they likely needed to kill someone, just to add stakes to the film.

The guy who did the music is the husband of the woman who does the voice casting for the Persona games.

They nailed first person platforming in a way few companies have been able to replicate.

2 years ago I realized that despite my love of Metroid Prime, I never finished Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. I was immediately struck by how well made it was. I trust Retro Studios with anything.

As well you should. It is my favorite video game of all time (fighting Majora's Mask).

I can't stand Wes Anderson movies. His movies always scream "Look how quirky and whimsical I am" and I feel like he tries shoving that down my throat. However, I love Moonrise Kingdom. I think having kids as the leads helped make the whimsy work to augment the movie rather than hinder it for me.

That sounds horrible.


There was no wrong choice in that scenario.

Dark Souls is technically unrelated to Demon's Souls, so Dark Souls technically counts.

This guy seems like a pleasant person. I know and care nothing about Trainor or her music and all this author did was make himself come across as an asshole.

I think this says more about the interviewee than about the song and artist.