
I don’t care what you guys think, Adam Levine was hot AF with his shirt off. EVEN IF his tattoos are weak INSERT FIRE EMOJIx5

honestly don’t know how parenting worked before ipads/tablets

I say this all the time, followed by, I don’t know how real single parents do it. I meant both parts of the sentence and never thought more about it.

One of Strike’s most prominent features in the book is his curly hair and overall hairiness, which probably is less important than finding a good actor for the role. Did I just talk myself out of disappointment? I guess, maybe.

I’m not trying to say she’s qualified or that she should be in the comm. dir. role, I mean to say that its sexist to assume she’s fucking Trump.

I completely agree. How can Jezie commentators jump to this kind of sexist conclusion.

I’m not saying I agree. Just saying, different folks, different strokes

They dehydrate it, pulverize it, and then put it into little pill capsules. I never actually tasted anything. The whole process of turning them into little pills is somewhere online.

I know it was customary in some cultures to save/cook/eat the placenta as it was thought to hold healing properties.

I did this and I am no anti-vaxxer. Looking back, I made this decision in my 9th month of pregnancy, maybe a little crazy hormonal/stressed, and after doing some minor research online, I decided this couldn’t hurt me and why the fuck not. So I did it. I would say nothing noticeably bad/good happened. I shared my

but what about the yellow dot that shows you’re online but away? most times i let my gchat idle in yellow until someone messages me at which point i flip to the browser screen. now everyone is either green or nothing.

SAY WHAT YOU WILL ABOUT SLIME, but I’d rather my teenage daughter stroke her creativity through this slime than the other kind of slime out there.

Genuinely did not expect, but thoroughly enjoyed this comment.

I don’t know what people expect.

She is so salty over something that happened decades ago. Time to let the baggage go and set yourself free

I can shut down my computer and leave work on Fridays after I’ve read shade court. Thank you

Can someone tell me why the Grammy country committee rejected her song “Daddy Lessons”?

Worth mentioning is that iPhones come with this feature called “Bedtime” incorporated with the Clock app.

Just round up all the Jewish gifts and place them in their own spot, eh? Pretty problematic imho.

you should just click it before you get all crazy