
Is that not your job? To filter the crap and post the good stuff on gizmodo? What are they paying you for?

My wife walked in and read the title and said: "What would you use those for? Laying in bed watching tv?"

Audacity does not equal GarageBand. Sorry, you are mistaken.

It may be useless for *some* professionals, but this is what bothers me about all the complaining. Not all professional editors work in television or need tape support. Does digital online publishing suddenly mean this type of work is not professional?

I'm a pro editor and that's all I hear too... whining from people unwilling to adapt. If these same people would put half as much effort into their work and good story telling as they do complaining about software tools then they could probably make our eye's bleed with pure video editing awesomeness.

Nobody was paid which is the brilliance of the whole thing. Vooray gets tons of free publicity, the video maker gets ton's a views on youtube which = money from the advertising on his video. Seems pretty effective to me if even you are talking about it.