
I think this is a litmus test for sports fans. Did you enjoy watching Bautista’s display? If yes, then you probably enjoy sports not for its redeeming qualities but for its entertainment value alone. You likely also enjoy Ed Hardy t-shirts, double parking handicap spots, and plunking babies with full beers (which

Canadian sports fans. Team hits 3 run homer? Throw trash on the field.

Team loses Stanley Cup? Riot in the streets and destroy a city block.

I hope you fucks get swept by KC

That makes no sense.

the juxtaposition of real ballers...like Joe Carter....to this stare, glare and flip, is ugly. this flashinpan gets paid 10x his value on the back of real ballers. eager for one to his ear in ‘16, if someone has balls to keep integrity for the game.

Nah, man, I just don’t like the instinctual need to show up the opposition.

Surprised Deadspin wasn’t too busy watching the Guatemalan national ladies field hockey team to notice baseball, you hipster douche bags.

Well, it *is* the playoffs so, yeah, might be a bit of a gray area.

Fuck Jose Bautista. And fuck the Blue Jays.

You have to understand that Deadspin doesn’t really do baseball so when they try it’s a little comical.

Does this mean the Cry Jays are now back to playing not under protest? I swear I used to like them but they cry so fucking much and that bat flip proves what a piece of shit he is.

“This is the first posterization in the history of Major League Baseball.”

Fuck that flip. Jose is all indignant cuz the umps enforce a rule correctly and fans of his team were raining garbage onto the field?

I’m not trying to stand up for that other guy, but his first comment said “I applaud Papelbon for calling Harper out on not running the pop up out.” I interpreted that as supporting Papelbon for saying something to Harper, not applauding Papelbon for trying to choke Harper but that’s my interpretation.

I guess you expected Harper to just take Papelbon’s crap and kiss his arse? Papelbon had a point in giving Harper some crap but it’s his own fault if he’s not thick-skinned enough to have it thrown back at him.

See also: What caused the gNats to shit the bed.

that’s not a sentence, you dumb fuck. I have no idea what you’re trying to say to me.

I believe they call that an enema.

Don’t need a lip reader.

as a Yankee fan, GOD I love me some Pap. fucking hard nosed as fuck.

Papelbon seems like the kind of guy who would throw at his own kid in a father-son game.