
Patrick going on Twitter after Allison got fired and he published his first story crying, “Why am I the only journalist covering this??” made me question his actual motivations. Other sites waited for the actual news to come in before jumping the gun and misreporting, which he did.

Or maybe we should expect Bethesda to improve maybe a little? No, you fanboys won’t care. Buggy, messy games like this are your fault as much as Bethesda’s.

and mine was female despite pr only showing off male for merchandise during 1 & 2, sooo get over it?

FFX is complete ass, as proven in that it set the stage for Square’s (il)logic in creating expansions for their worst FF games. First there was X-2, then came the two FFXIII expansions. *puke*

Rich old white men have ruled the world for all eternity, I get where the hate comes from, I get it. But saying shit like any white man can just jump into Hollywood because of their skin color is the same exact thing as saying something like any black man can become a professional basketball player. Is it the most

Have you really never heard the expression “light up a bowl”? I mean, come on. And no, I’m not out of my depth on this one. I went to college.

WPvP was dead long before flying mounts made it into the game and has long been more about griefing then anything. The real killer with flying for me wasn’t so much the flying away to prevent camping but that everyone would hover until they outnumbered you then attack. That or the druids with their instant fly

There are well done, but I don't think anyone would mistake them for live models. There is something off about proportions...

Now, now. He doesn’t only fight nobodies or boxers who are over the hill.

But... but... but I thought that only people involved with GamerGate were terrible!

Inb4 mountain of threads expressing how glad they are this happened

“It’s also crazy there’s no Oscar category for stunts when other technical, behind-the-scenes parts of movies like sound editing get one, but that’s another story” ,

If they didnt release digitally they wouldnt release at all. Its not worth the extra cost based on how they perform. Just be glad we are getting them. By refusing to buy it, all you are doing is telling them that it isnt even worth trying to localize this stuff. This isnt Japan.

The best FF game of all time, FF VI(not up for debate) had a female protagonist. Maybe even two if you consider Celes the protagonist of the second half of the game. Who wrote that story btw? :P
FF X-2 had an ALL female cast.
And of course FF XIII had 3 (count ‘em) 3 games with a female as the lead character.
Then of

Not even the same thing. We were told that all the choices and shit mattered. It didn’t matter. That was literally the entire point of the series.

With regard to criticism toward the all-male cast (although now I suppose this becomes “all-male permanent cast”) I think people are judging Final Fantasy XV under the wrong lens.

You don't even know the character development yet let alone where the plot goes, yet you're seemingly writing off the thing from the get-go. Do you see why people tend to think negatively about people on both sides of this conversation?

I'm just going to point out that his statement that these guys would act differently with a woman in the group rings true to me. I mean, emo boy and blondie don't look that old. I can see them being uncomfortable or awkward or even just a little restrained around a woman unless she had been in their group forever and

Agree with you but diversity for diversity's sake is not sincere it is just pandering.

If they don't they're "sexist." If they do then the character will undoubtedly be "a misrepresentation of women." Damned if they do, damned if they don't. This is Earth in 2015, folks.