All the protein from the orphan hearts has to go somewhere!
All the protein from the orphan hearts has to go somewhere!
Not as much as they used to hate it, since now it can be openly used to harvest the hateful orc vote. But I’m sure they wish the dementia wasn’t so advanced and he’d dogwhistle it more.
Cripes, GOP, would you like some more ketchup for those two left feet you’re trying to fit in your mouth?
If De Vos goes to jail for this it will all have been just the tiniest bit worth it for a split second.
I’m Ben Small, of the Coney Island Smalls.
And the thing is??? A LOT of these “radical” policies got their damn start in the fifties and sixties! You know who one of the first groups trying to fight acid rain and pollution was? Ducks Unlimited, a friggin’ hunting organization. There shouldn’t be anything inherently unconservative about ANY of these positions.
Eh, bring on the childish. I’m adulting most of my life and most of it’s boring, repetitive and wearing.
I think if you’re seriously putting yourself through a presidential campaign, you’ve got the fire. It’s basically a meat grinder that destroys everything it touches.
Hot Take-Rome Was Bad up above makes a good argument about the fiscal cost of being out in the eighties and nineties and how it can feel when the “babies” come along and snap up relatively cushy lifestyles and acceptance while you’ll never be able to retire. It’s a good and important point, I think.
The second He did, He was crucified. So I can’t blame people who need to take their time.
The one good thing about acknowledging something about yourself (sexuality/gender or otherwise) later in life? You’ve been through the shit. You’ve done junior high, high school, known the people who never moved beyond those roles, seen how absolutely non-important their attitudes become when your world expands beyond…
Jerry is King of the World.
Reading his stuff makes me realize the current crop of “edgelords” are nothing new. Self-hate externalized into cruelty and snark for the sake of a moment of feeling superior.
I love how Carelton’s date is totally down to dance with him!
It’s astounding to me that people think acknowledging one of the most basic facts about yourself is supposed to be an act of regression. It can certainly be a tremendous relief and incredibly freeing to finally realize and say loudly who you are, but it doesn’t change your whole personality.
You said what I was trying to come up with.
I basically just mean it as an insult to his constant sucking up/tiny penis/desperation to have his monster of a father love him.
I don’t know--as long as you’re a good host/hostess and not doing it just for constant attention, what’s wrong with it? I love the idea of eating a lot of cake and playing games!
Man, our subconsciouses are just assholes.