
So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of

Sigh no. The Catholic Church doesn’t charge you for time with your priest, it doesn’t have a set menu of pricing for salvation, it doesn’t force people to work for them for almost no pay and no ability to leave, it doesn’t have it’s own paramilitary force and labor camps, 

I don’t want to say that the lawyer has a point but if you think about it you’ll notice that if you rearrange the letters in the name Anna Merlan you can spell “Xenu Forever”

A few days ago I overheard three dudes in their late 50's talking about a “fat chick”. And yeah, it wasn’t Bradley Cooper, Idris Elba and Jason Mamoa. It was Pudgy McPudgerson, Baldy Butterface and Ass face McGee.

  • Boyle: “Have you seen all these posters of David Stovelman’s wife, Debbie?”
    Jake (reading): “‘I’m happy, healthy, and alive.’ Oh, Debbie dead.”
    Boyle: “Debbie real dead.”

Condoms are awesome, especially for those of us who find hormonal birth control problematic. Any man who balks at using one, gets the boot from me.

Condoms do not “suck for both parties.” They can reduce sensitivity, but they don’t remove it. I never met a guy who couldn’t come while using a condom. And I dare say that sex with a condom is still more enjoyable than unwanted pregnancy, parenthood, or child support.

It’s strange, isn’t it? I watch a lot of lefty YouTubers - Contrapoints, Shaun, Hbomberguy, etc. - and I’ve never once noticed the algorithm trying to push me towards, say, Maoist videos. But you watch one vaguely right-wing video and it’s “Hello! Would you like to watch Triumph of the Will?” for the next eight months.

Would you mind giving me some f-f romance recommendations? I absolutely love f-f romances but I find so many a real slog to get through. Goodreads isn’t always helpful in this respect. This is the same reason I don’t watch porn often. To have to watch 10 terrible porn clips just to find 1 good one... its exhausting.

[...]no one tells them that the fastest way to get permanently exiled from a backwards village is to just go ahead and do something gay. You’ll be in the big city in no time.”

Call me old-fashioned, but if we’re never going to fuck, my threshold for the amount of pain I can endure on behalf of companionship is relatively low.”As a straight, same.  This is also why I have never had a platonic roommate.

Haven’t used it in years, but okcupid at least used to be legit. I’ve gotten as many dates as I wanted through them, and they’ve published some really interesting research on dating from their huge dataset.

I don’t know if okcupid has changed over the years but when I joined I never spent a dime on it and within a month or two had met somebody I’ve now been with for almost eight years. I dunno, online dating can be tough but it’s no more a crapshoot than any other method of meeting people. 

(“Everyone is held to the sake standard”)“

I’m so glad I don’t have any kids, so I can be fat, selfish and happy. 

That would require anyone but you and I to have read the damn story.

Pay money, no potential partners available, buggy app? Fits this MAGA times to a t - the golden age of grifters.

You clicked on it, didn’tcha? Well, there you go. You knew it was click bait and you clicked, Anna got her view, and we all get entertainment.

They have a neurologist for women on call..? Doesn’t that feel a little Yellow Wallpaper-y?