
How do you raise dogs online?  Are they virtual dogs?

Any Jurassic movie would be better without stupid kids in it. The only good kids were the 2 in the first one, but after that they fell into a trope of, “Innocent, wise-beyond-their-years child gazes in wonder at dinosaurs. Evil breaks dinosaurs loose from safe habitat. Dinosaurs threaten innocent WBTY child. Child’s

Looking back, what’s funny to me is that after the Big Rescue, the boys and girls would get married and have babies. Then I’d kind of look at my dolls and say, “Well, there’s nothing left for them to do now. Time to start another adventure!”

It was just me and my sister growing up, but we liked He-Man and G. I. Joe, so we had those toys too.  Our Barbies, She-Ra, and boys toys would all fight in a massive war with swords and guns, Castle Greyskull vs. the She-Ra Crystal Castle.  Barbie looked fierce in her heels, wielding a sword and machine gun!

My ex-MIL knew I was not a good housekeeper, and when she watched the kids she would give me a list of all the things she did, like rubbing it in my face about how she was better than me. It was really because she was insecure about my education and work that was beyond her capabilities. Joke’s on her, I loved having

I live in her district. Yes, this was a foolish misstep. But otherwise, she’s a wonderful representative. I love that she is working on ending student loan debt that fucks over lots of people. I love that she pushes back on Wall Street, which was one issue even Hillary had a hard time with.

Well, how else can they explain away the white-sounding last names that they all have?  It’s terribly convenient to give them POC street cred while still somehow erasing Native women from history.

Because Cherokee is the one tribe white southern/Appalachian folks know.

No, she didn’t.  Everyone who hired her has said that they never considered her supposed Native ancestry.  We Baystaters have been living with this since she was first elected to Congress, so this is old news to us that right-wingers keep trotting out.  It’s been debunked.

But not the wealthiest ones who hire nannies to do their child rearing for them. Which tells me that given the opportunity, a lot of women would trade in staying home with the kids for more fulfilling ventures.

You’re the one pretending to speak for all women here, and ignoring that women are individuals with different needs and priorities. And again, if most women want to stay home with their babies, then why are the wealthiest women hiring nannies? Wouldn’t their “womanly need” to be home with their children mean that

Yes, I’m sure that black/Latinx men have exactly the same pay and opportunities as white men. /s

See my previous response. There is no “biological imperative” that makes women want to stay home with kids. Why do you think rich women hire nannies, if they have such a strong biological drive to be with their kids 24/7? 

See my response above.  I’ve pushed 4 people out of my vagina, and couldn’t wait to get back to work.  Maybe don’t talk about things that you can never know about.  It’s the very definition of mansplaining.

Meet a mother of 4, then, who is about to rock your world. I hated the baby and toddler stage of raising my kids, but loved the ages from early school to teen years. I felt like a brood mare while I was pregnant and breastfeeding, like my own body wasn’t even my own anymore. I was made to feel guilty by a society that

Off-topic: His shirt looks like mine when I leave it out on my clothesline for too long. I guess I can still wear them and pretend to be a carefree, rich douche.

Wasn’t there a story a few months back about a conservative conference where the Republican women had to be escorted out of the building for fear of violence, because the Republican men were threatening them for speaking up about #metoo? These women were mostly carrying water for Republican men, but because they

Shoot, most of Martin’s big plot points are taken from the War of the Roses.  There was even a Red Wedding!

#teamconservativecannibalism #teamdumpsterfire

And yet, here you are, replying again, as if you are triggered. If it was truly unimportant, you’d ignore it.