
They (right wingers) can say whatever the fuck they want; anyone with a brain cell knows that they’re full of shit.  So why the fuck do we care again?  Why are we being such wimps in the face of fascism and tyranny?  Why is it that looking good to fucking Nazis more important than ensuring that good, honest Americans

^^ Numbnuts up here: “Yeah we won by cheating and not because we have good ideas, workable solutions, or human compassion! So?”

Sure, Jan.  Sure.


I'm Pagan and I'm on a few Pagan Facebook page.  It's so annoying how EVERYONE is a fucking empath.  There's a direct correlation between people who claim to be empaths and people who are either mentally ill or their social media is all thirsty posts/selfies (ie: attention seekers).

Try learning about the culture and the people. Puerto Ricans and other Caribbean Latinos’ DNA is made up largely of Native American and African ancestry. Only a small percentage of it is Caucasian.

No, for we still have taste, touch, and smell to be terrified of before we get there.

I was raised in Florida, and even though I don’t live there anymore I pay attention. It’s pretty fucking embarrassing. Every time there is a show on the World’s Dumbest Criminals or World’s Stupidest Thing Caught on Camera, Florida is disproportionately represented. The only thing that make me feel a little better is

I am another one that, having grown up in Central Florida, can confirm this.

I’m half white and half Latina, from Puerto Rico.  You know, that little island that is part of the US that conservatives don’t want to rebuild because it’s filled with brown people, and most don’t know that those brown people are US citizens?

I mean, if she used this opportunity to reevaluate her positions, now that she’s a victim of patriarchal oppression, then OK, I’ll stand with her.  If she continues her racist bullshit, then I hope that she continues dating Nazis, because I’ve never met one that DIDN’T beat on their wives/girlfriends.

Plus there’s the added bonus of potentially rendering them unable to have children.  It’s a win for society, and a win for the hypothetical children that will never have to have this man for a father.

It’s a population of uneducated, underemployed white Christian guys who mythologize America’s past in which they had everything handed to them: women, good paying jobs, a nice house, a car, etc. Now that women and POC are starting to get a piece of that pie and exercising their power, while at the same time these

I was wondering that, too.  :(

For real. I’m white/Latina who looks very white, and these days nothing scares me more than a rural-dwelling white guy. At best, they are ignorant because of the lack of services, access to different ideas, and education. At worst, well, look at this article again.

Samesies, only my ex is an abuser.  I’m glad he had an affair and left; it was the best thing that could have happened.  Now they’re miserable and I’m doing well.  :)

We had a blast at our screening! My whole row had very vocal strangers, and it was showing at 11:30 PM on Saturday. By the end, we were sharing food and laughing/being scared together. We actually hung out and talked while the credits were going.  I’m not sorry, and neither is my 13 year old.

This is a legit fun horror movie. I may be biased though, because I saw it Saturday night at 11:30 PM with my 13 year old and a very opinionated, spirited group. When the typical girl horror victim tripped while running away from Myers, we all rolled our eyes, threw up our hands, and groaned in unison. There were also

My dad did it because he was a pussy who was threatened by younger stronger men hanging around with his daughters.  It meant nothing to the young men, and did nothing to keep me from giving birth to my first child at 17.  I really wish that he would have invested more time in us kids and given us healthy information

Brother Nature is a damn fool.  As someone of Puerto Rican and Dominican descent, his ancestry is largely African.  Racists would take one look at him, throw him in the same category of blackness as Jay-Z, and be done with him.