RE: Viggo Mortensen - on all of the stuff I’ve seen on LOTR behind-the-scenes, he stayed pretty much as Aragorn, even carrying his sword around with him everywhere. And yet, everyone had the nicest things to say about him.
RE: Viggo Mortensen - on all of the stuff I’ve seen on LOTR behind-the-scenes, he stayed pretty much as Aragorn, even carrying his sword around with him everywhere. And yet, everyone had the nicest things to say about him.
Yeah, it has a footnote in the official brief that “Defendant’s appellate briefs also raised claims of evidentiary error, instructional error, prosecutorial misconduct, and cumulative error. However, after briefing in the case was complete, he withdrew those claims of error because, ‘if successful, [they]…
Counterpoint: Ken Watanabe AND Julianne Moore. Swooning for both!
I hate both sets of in-laws (I’ve stupidly been married twice). I could vacation with either set in Balmoral. That castle looks big enough for me to be there with them and we would never see each other. And really, all I’d have to do is hang out in the library. Neither set were into reading anything deeper than People…
As a Latina Pagan, I thought the first one was kinda dumb. I’ll give the new one a shot, but I’m not expecting it to do/say anything seriously. At best, it will be a show that you tune into for stupid, good, clean fun. At it’s worst, it will be Wicca Iron Fist.
Oh, Caitlyn, you sweet child of the summer. These people get the bulk of their votes and campaign contributions from racists, misogynists, and conservative Xtian bigots. They do not give a fuck about you. I know that your money has made you think that you are a “big deal”, but you aren’t. There’s no way in hell…
Haha, you too, huh?
Yup. My abuser fucked with my birth control so I would get pregnant, and then would be tied to him forever. It worked, although we’ve been separated for almost 9 years and divorced for almost 8. But when you have kids with someone, they are never truly gone from your life. I’m constantly looking out to see if he’s…
Because abusers are showing the victim how much control they have over them by harming, or threatening to harm, the animals. They also do this to children to a lesser extent, but they are smart enough to know that if they actually harm children then they will get in major trouble with the law and their peers. With…
Trust me, I eat them too. LOL
I didn't contribute to this. I've only ever seen it while waiting for my car to be repaired, where I didn't have a choice. A family profiting off of their daughter's leaked sex tape is unappealing to me. Blame someone else.
My 13 YO’s dad didn’t defend her when one of his friends referred to her as heavy. She was really hurt. But she’s not fat - she’s getting womanly curves. I explained to her that Keira Knightly and Marilyn Monroe are both beautiful women who have very different body types. Some people are thin and athletic like Keira,…
Be prepared for him to cozy up to your in-laws so that when he spreads dirt about you or your spouse, he’ll have allies believing him over you. They are very good about laying these kinds of foundations before they start their crap.
Yup. And I omly had an epidural for the last one, who was the smallest.
I had to have blood transfusions with each of my 4 deliveries. It’s no fun seeing your face as a white sheet pre-transfusion, and then seeing weird, rosy cheeks on a white face post-transfusion. That’s when I knew that for me, access to a hospital is vital if I’m going to have a healthy delivery.
LOL, I had someone at work tell me that we were going to be best friends. I disliked her immediately for that. Our relationship is professional, and that is all it will be. When I was going to evangelical churches, the upfront, over-the-top friendliness was such a turn-off to me. I feel like: “YOU DON’T GET TO…
I’m really hoping that my laziness will be a natural defense against cult brainwashing. It just seems too hard to put much effort into, even during the “honeymoon” phase.....
LOL, my evil mother (when she was alive) drove cults AWAY from her. That’s how crazy she was. Jehovah’s Witnesses? She’d invite them in, and then just talk and talk and talk and talk about herself (her favorite and only topic), and when they’d realize she had no money and no real interest in the church but to use them…
By moving back and forth very rapidly, like the Olson “twins”.
I didn’t read the article. I’m just here to say that that is the whitest picture I’ve ever seen. Muted, almost-white background. White clothes. White people. White ice cream. It was just really funny and striking to me, that’s all.