
I like this one. It always seems like those not involved or affected in any way are the ones making the biggest stink about things. Im gonna go ahead and appropriate this quote.

Aaaaand it’s fake news.

How do I know you are a real writer?


Building a car is hard.  Building a car company is damn near impossible.  Musk is a lot of things but you have to hand it to him for succeeded to this point in spite of the challenge.  They aren’t remotely out of the woods (who is?) but you can’t deny he’s done something that hasn’t been done in a long time - created

I have no sympathy for any of the people involved especially the ones with children. What did they think was going to happen if they did this? Meanwhile people who have applied legally for citizenship have to wait for years to get approved.

Yup, Democrats prefer when Obama uses Predator drone strikes to kill Middle Eastern children. Out of sight, out of mind.

No surprise there. These illegals have already shown they have no respect for the law. Good thing they were contained. Do these scum actually think this will improve their chances of entering the country?

File under things that wouldn’t happen if they followed the legal process for claiming asylum and didn’t just try to rush the border and enter illegaly. I don’t feel bad for these people at all, they obviously have no respect for us, our laws, or law abiding immigrants and asylum seekers


Most those people look like they are living healthy, so much so they can walk across a whole nation with kids.

“Let’s be clear about what happened here — Donald Trump Jr misstated statistics so he could attack Angus King with a neo-Nazi dogwhistle,” ThinkProgress journalist Aaron Rupar tweeted.

Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”

Proud to be White isnt a white supremacy thing. Im allowed to be proud of who I am just as you are.

“Dehumanizing Wojak NPC meme” “MAGA” “Keep America Great”

Total War games are historically authentic, not historically accurate,”

You dont fix problems with counter exclusion - it just widens division.

“Tell women that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague”

As a dude, I would be mostly just interested to see how the panel went. If they’re talking about serious issues and problems in the industry, I don’t think it’s best to keep the discussion behind closed doors.

But the women weren’t excluded from said culture. to make it fair men should have been allowed at said event and treated in an openly hostile manner. See not sexist.