
I'm afraid of cars. The real ones, I mean. And not in some vague, existential way that makes me fear for the future of planet earth's ecosystem or wonder what it is about human nature that compels us to fetishize giant pieces of machinery that hurl us through space with a speed and imprecision that proves deadly far

This Caddy is finally expected to appeal to younger buyers.

Your chump ass isn't getting paid to drive a car. Period.

Sorry, except for the Tempo, Vega, Omni and Le Car most of these answers just aren't true. I see H2's, Prowlers, Z3's, CRX's pretty often.

I used to see these all the time and now I never do. I do a lot of driving everyday but I never see one. There may be good reason they aren't around much but they were unique.

Infinity Q45

Here it is at a different auction before paint:

It'd be fun to go through this list after everything I've learned in my attempts to get a Koenigsegg over here. Short version - they're going through option #1 right now.

that water will freeze

The weird Jalopnik Mazda boner continues.

This used to be my driveway, so posts like these really push my buttons. I wish more of America needed and wanted kei cars as much as I do.

These wheels are fantastic.

Stage TEN and lightweight windows.

MKIV Supra's handle like rigid boats. Their cast iron blocks weigh the front end down making the rear end restless, and the suspension geometry is more suited to grand touring than heavy track use. In a straight line they're like cruise missiles, but going through a corner they're next to impossible to maintain a