Magic's Johnson

Messy, awful waterworks. I was at that concert, and I have sent my patients to that facility. Such a fantastic show, and such a wonderful facility. I’m glad they could bring her to that poor young woman. Just getting all kinds of cooked up thinking about it.

Thanks Rachel. I really needed a story like this today as a reminder about goodness.

This does need a YMMV disclaimer unforch... cold static vs warm static pre workout stretch varies in terms of efficacy for many, and the six month rule shoe rule is in play for most marathoners and may even be less depending on whether you rock a stability type of shoe, etc.

This is a powerful piece of writing. And I am sorry you were raped. You should not have been.

As a sign of solidarity, Wambach’s former teammate Hope Solo murdered a homeless man.

Maybe he showed too much vine?

I visited a wildlife sanctuary in Tasssie last month and a worker brought out this baby she was fostering. Her mum has been hit by a car and she was being fostered until she was old enough to be released back into the wild. Her name: Mariah.

I love squirrels. I was just walking home from the grocery store and saw a squirrel running picking up food and then climbing a tree to eat it. I probably watched for 10 minutes and my ice cream melted. It was worth it though, he was a cute little guy. I also saw a corgi playing with a big husky and it also made my

Aw, I miss Behind Closed Ovens!

Or she blames the shameless hussies throwing themselves at her husband. They’re the bad ones, not him.

or maybe she’s an asshole and just doesnt care. it’s easy to assume she’s in denial or a victim herself, but some people are just garbage. maybe she doesnt care that he’s a rapist as long as he brings home lots of money and doesnt hurt her or her kids

I believe this. She seems truly invested in her willful blindness about him (and she’s not the only one), so I don’t see her actively seeking out any additional information on any of the accusations other than just hearing and accepting his version of events from his own lips.