
oh, do yourself a favor and watch the show “mother/daughter experiment” (they never did release the last episode...)

WHY AM I ALWAYS GREY seriously, someone tell me, it’s a fucking bummer

Even if you don’t have PD, it just hurts like hell when you have sex, and your doctors judge you for being a single lady without one partner- it helps to talk to someone else!

Again, (I have posted this before)- I am a mid twenties female who had a similar experience in my early life, and was suicidal because I couldn’t have sex without excruciating pain- I was eventually diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia. My nerve blocks have changed my life entirely, as well as a *good* pelvic floor

oh greyed out like always cool jezebel glad a loyal reader can’t really get my comments seen because they aren’t cool enough for ya

Yes, actually. Especially for people with painful conditions, too big makes it very hard to work and be pleasureful. But I realize, once again, that this is far from the norm and envy all of you normals

When I was in college here in Ohio, there as a big to-do about this law after a kid fell off of a roof when he was on mushrooms and the family tried to go after the kid who sold him the shrooms.

thank you for posting this


this is everything

Winter’s Bone was amazing and then all her choices were meh

Gah. I have been suffering from what is diagnosed as “pudendal neuralgia” myself for several years now. if anyone else has been diagnosed with this, and is young, or hasn’t experienced child birth, please reach out to me. i’ve joined chronic pain groups but everyone is old (35+) or had kids, and i can’t relate. it

haven’t we learned anything from kim richards?! meth.

I have actually had the opposite experience, when my doctor told me it seemed like shaving was giving me serious ingrown hair and chafing making my skin irritated and sex slightly painful, and that I might want to take a break.

what kind of men are afraid of pubic hair?? why are they sexually active if they are afraid of bodies? bizarre to me. i guess like you said, the kind of men who won’t go down...insanity

I asked my gyn about this, she claims that removing all of it is actually not “good” for you or hygienic like some people claim...as a woman in my late twenties, I have been shamed once by a man (never mind, boy— a man wouldn’t mind pubic hair) who was SURPRISED I had any at all...sickening.
