
There is some truth to what the Marvel exec is saying. They've responded to the PC demands of people on Twitter and Tumblr asking for more diversity, provided it, and saw no uptick in sales (actually a downtick) as the people crying out for diversity are not the customers who buy a comic.

You're talking about anarchists, not Libertarians. Libertarians believe there should be a state, but that the state should be a minarchist state.

If you can't get on board with "giant douche" and "turd sandwich" then you might be a pathetic boot licking statist.

Nicholas Meyer worked on the even numbered films and is a major part of the reason those films were viewed as superior to the odd numbered TOS films.

Wow, AV Club seriously needs to find a better writer to handle South Park reviews. If the Jennifer Lawrence comment bothers you, then you probably shouldn't be watching South Park in the first place.

Best Archer of the season

These are two of the "1st season" episodes fans rightfully bitch about.  There are a few gems down the road in the season though.

Rob Lowe's career died this week.  Between the Manning rumor and now this?  HE GONE.

A good beginning to a show that became the greatest that Trek had to offer by the time it reached its 4th season.  The first few seasons dragged, but it picked up in the 3rd and kept on strong.

"except the gloves."  How the hell did that pass the censors?  so funny

Omar was the one character on the show who feared prison because he robbed half of the people in there.

If I could be a vegetable, I'd be a carrot

I just rewatched this episode and it makes me despise what the show has become since the 90's ended.  I wish someone would mercy kill this show.  Let it die with dignity.  Right now this show is Terry Schiavo.

DS9 was my favorite series, but TNG comes in a close second.  Out of all of the ST finales, All Good Things was the best.  Given how the TNG movies turned out, I sort of wish they left the story alone after this episode.  It was such a great ending to a great series.  All of the TNG movies (with the exception of First

I'm a HUGE Star Trek fan but Nemesis was Generations bad.  RLM covered most of my griefs in its 40 minute Plinkett Review, but I need to rehash one of them.  A ****ing dunebuggy chase?  Really?  Even with Rick Berman's past work lowering expectations I expected better than that.  Oh and what happens to Shinzon and his