*snerk* I’ve had similar experiences with mine though not nearly as bad.
I had a Gulf-War Veteran flight instructor who said this about survival kits:
Respected finance author William Bernstein examines the rent versus own issue in more than one of his excellent books.
No kidding. You’d think public service, public administration, and non-profit/non-governmental organizations would make the list of fields since they’re so pervasive. Ditto human resources as a specific occupation.
Word of warning: DON’T take things like Imodium or Pepto-Bismol when you have food poisoning!!! You’ll only prolong your misery: purging (from either or both end of your digestive tract) is your body ridding itself of the infection.
Retro being a deliberate reach into the past brought to life with modern stylistic ideas. Heritage being a natural evolution of the past into the modern world.
I...don’t...hate this. :-| (of course, if it’s double the price of the underlying car, “CP all day.”)
It was doing that to me on the desktop and mobile sites the other day; not today though. I got your back: starred. :)
This might be why their initial purchase price is lower: they’re not factoring in the cost of them ever having to take care of problems with the cars.
Yup. Hyundai dealerships are why I won’t buy another Hyundai, after owning two.
I throw up a little every time I see this car. :X
It’s not every day a car has an e-pillar.
As a former graphic designer who worked in regulated industries (safety signage, operating manuals etc) I could not have said it better. They met the letter of the law but failed to invest any effort in aesthetics.
I get you but understand why they do it.
The problem with this car is the $15,000.
The other one that compares nicely to the HR-V: Mazda CX-3.