
I know how you feel.  I don't even dislike or even care about his music but he just bothers me.

Alright Todd.  I'll start watching this one for you.

I suppose you're not wrong.  I wouldn't fret; Dr Who really isn't all that worth watching anyway, unless you are in dire need of childish escapism.

Dr Who doesn't really have backstory, it's more of a premise.  A dude in a silly time machine travels through space and time helping people out.  He often has a person or two with travel with him.

Hell yeah Lupine Dominus.  Marah Eakin, you just gained total credibility in my book.

Hell yeah Lupine Dominus.  Marah Eakin, you just gained total credibility in my book.

It is.  Or at least the term, 'water ice' is fucking bizarre to people not from Philly.

It is.  Or at least the term, 'water ice' is fucking bizarre to people not from Philly.

Lovers on the Bridge.  Incredible movie.

Lovers on the Bridge.  Incredible movie.

I saw this in Paris like a week ago.  What an awesome movie; I knew I would love it though, I've loved the 2 other Carax movies I've seen.  It's crazy he hadn't made a movie in about a decade.

I saw this in Paris like a week ago.  What an awesome movie; I knew I would love it though, I've loved the 2 other Carax movies I've seen.  It's crazy he hadn't made a movie in about a decade.

Fuck the Iron Giant, Princess Mononoke!

Fuck the Iron Giant, Princess Mononoke!

They filmed parts of this in Budapest, Hungary, or at least that's what the tour guides in Budapest kept telling me.

They filmed parts of this in Budapest, Hungary, or at least that's what the tour guides in Budapest kept telling me.

I can't actually check at the moment because I'm in Iceland (netflix is not available in iceland), but as of a few days ago, all seven seasons of Peep Show were available on netflix.  And if they aren't there when I get back I may literally die.

You wouldn't think we were in a 'golden age' of TV from this list.

You wouldn't think we were in a 'golden age' of TV from this list.

He was also the R.A. in undeclared.