
Cruise of the gods right here.

Yep.  TV directors tend to get almost no attention, but Tristam surely deserves it. 

I DO!  I give a shit.    I'm sorry it's difficult for me to make you understand, but I give a shit.

I get the impression he may be on drugs again.  Or maybe it's just all the ink.

I admit, they DID make (some of) the Subway stuff funny, but it still just bothers me.  Fuck subway.  I don't want to watch a TV show that features subway, jokes or no, at all.  It doesn't sit right with me, and I've lost some of the love I've got for the show.

It's not really satire if they really ARE taking Subway's money.

I mean, no offense to all the fans that are apparently on here, but do we really need 6 parts of this?  Maybe its because I grew up in the 90s but REM always seemed like a shitty radio-rock band, and I really can't stand music like that.

As much as I love this show, I think picking out the worst bits is much more worthwhile than highlighting the best bits.  Good on you mate.

I don't understand, have you seen ALL TV that aired this week?  What is this judgement being made on? It seems like randomly selected clips.  I really hope you aren't being paid off by some PR firm for this, that would not be cool.

Well I hope you're aware that the cursing in Deadwood isn't actually historically accurate— they would have used cursing like "darn tootin." That of course sounds silly, which is why it was done the (wonderful) way it was.

Well hopefully I can help clear some stuff up, as a fan of S1 and S2, who can't stand S3.  First off, the show is just worse without Nathan.  He was the funniest, he had genuine chemistry with Barry and Kelly.  Second off the overall storyline is terrible now.  It was actually pretty bad in Season 2 as well, but it

Does it seem weird to anybody else that one of his feet has had his toes photoshopped out?

You bastard, you'll get us all shut down!

Wait till you find out that this season (except for one episode) has been total shit.

Agreed it didnt… smell right.  Gap, GET OUT OF MY COMMUNITY.

I like community as much as anybody, but it's miles behind what Britain's got to offer.  There's nothing else like Peep Show or The Thick of It around.  Hell, community owes a lot to Spaced.  Plus you guys have got Alan Partridge.

Would be a nice shoutout to the first episode as well, when he tries to shoot himself (he didn't realise the safety was on) because he hears sirens, thinking the cops are coming for him.

Nudity and cursing aren't forbidden on cable, are they?  I was just rewatching the first few episodes of Breaking Bad and there was both nudity (jesse crawling out of a window of a topless woman in the first ep) and cursing (shit and fuck).  Did they air this way?  It's possible the episodes I watched might have been

You've gotta watch Deadwood.

That might just be the plastic surgery.