
That's already been said, roughly, above actually.

The Wrestler was overrated! Predictable, familiar story with terrible dialogue.
Rourke was basically playing himself, didn't even have to act. Zero banter amongst wrestlers. The only fun scene was when he called the old lady customer, "spring chicken", and that seemed improvised!
All of MR's work pre-1990 was better

Yay, you guessed it!
Although, as much as a MR fan I am, Milk was a far better film and Penn's performance was far better too. MR didn't really have to do any acting for The Wrestler, just had to roid up.
The Wrestler was overrated, but glad Rourke's good work, pre-1990, now has more attention. The Wrestler had such a

Rourke actually said Eric Roberts (in TPoGV) was the BEST actor he'd worked with, sometime in an interview (I think soon after the film, possibly later).

Most people were disappointed by Eyes Wide Shut and people quickly forgot about it. It's a decent film, but what was its point?
Kidman and Cruise, especially, were too Hollywood for the film.
It seemed the story went to unbelivable places because it was actually really mundane and tried to inject mystery and

Superbly put. That last sentence is Rourke's '80s appeal in a nutshell. His hair was perfect and timeless, although a bit too short in Rumblefish.
Speaking also as a non-poofter, I'd say he was at his peak in 9 1/2 Weeks, looks-wise. Underrated film too! Year of the Dragon is his best film, comfortably. Not to be

'Smellydick' OMG! Hilarious username! :)

Year of the Dragon is easily Rourke's best film and best performance, followed by his performance in 9 1/2 Weeks.
Anyone who can't see that needs to stop talking about films, or sit down on their own and actually watch it.
9 1/2 Weeks is skimmed over by small-minded people like it's an episode of The Red Shoe Diaries